Employee Overhead Maintenance Concepts

In Maconomy, the total cost rate for time can be specified in a number of places, such as in the employee card and on price lists.

This total cost rate is the sum of overhead rate plus base salary rate (total cost rate = overhead rate + base salary rate), both of which can also be specified on employees and in price lists.

The overhead rate feature allows you to specify the overhead rate as a percentage of the base salary rate in the Employees and Employee Revisions workspaces. With this setup, the overhead rate as an amount is updated by Maconomy when you change the base salary rate on the employee, based on the specified percentage. For example, if the overhead rate is specified as a percentage on an employee and you update the base salary on that employee through an import or batch update, then the overhead rate is updated. You can still maintain the overhead rate as an amount, so that it does not link to the base salary rate via the overhead rate percentage, and instead becomes an independent value.