Technical Considerations

This section contains the technical considerations for Maconomy 2.6.

Core Maconomy Considerations

Monthly Time Reporting Desupported

The Monthly Time Reporting feature is discontinued in 2.6. If you are updating from a previous Maconomy version, you must disable the Monthly Time Reporting system parameter in order to proceed with the upgrade.

Known Issues

Review Known Issues for information on unresolved software issues, in particular, known issues introduced with this release.

People Planner / Maconomy Integration

Two features, "Grouping of Budget Lines" and "Imported Resource Allocations," found within Imported Resource Allocations, are incompatible. If you want to use the latest Resource Allocation integration, which sends planning back to Maconomy to form a periodic resource budget/forecast, you should not use Grouping, as it is not supported for this workflow.

APU Installation Notes

The Synchronous Notifications feature requires setup. See the System Admin Guide for details.

The Access Control for Approvers feature is included in this version, which provides restricted access to approval items. Maconomy 2.5.1 (and newer versions) comes with a default setting that can be modified to support individual customer needs. Refer to the Deltek Maconomy 2.5.x Enhancements Guide, Deltek Tracking 1174941, for details, including recommendations on actions prior to going live with this release.

TPU Installation Notes

Two features, "Grouping of Budget Lines" and "Imported Resource Allocations," found within Imported Resource Allocations, are incompatible. If you want to use the latest Resource Allocation integration, which sends planning back to Maconomy to form a periodic resource budget/forecast, you should not use Grouping, as it is not supported for this workflow.

  • The .bash shell (version 7.04) is required for all Unix/Linux installations.
  • Customized dictionaries for the Workspace Client are handled by the Extender. Refer to the Extender Handbook for details. The Extender ensures that both dynamic and static texts are updated.

Surrogate Characters Not Supported

Surrogate characters are characters not representable in 2 bytes in UTF-16. They are mostly used in Chinese for representing seldom used characters. Maconomy currently does not support surrogate characters.

Local Characters in Variable Names

Variable names in MScript may no longer contain non-ASCII characters. As of version 2.1, Maconomy no longer supports the use of Scandinavian letters ('æ ø å Æ Ø Å' ) in variable names in all Maconomy languages, including MScript, RGL, portal files, and MSL.

Unnecessary Error Occurs During Installation

When performing an APU upgrade using version 2.4 GA or later of the Maconomy Server, a PPU_Warning related to popup values might appear in the PPUDebug file as PPU_Warning. These messages are expected during the APU upgrade process as the database is temporarily in a state that this neither the old version nor the new version. Ignore the messages and continue the installation. See defect 577837 for more information.

Default Database Query Timeout

The default database query timeout might interfere with Maconomy Analyzer report queries which are expected to run for more than 5 minutes. In you are using such Analyzer reports you can increase the database query timeout with the following setting in 'MaconomyCustom.ini':

  • [ServerConfig]
  • DB_Cancellation_DefaultTimeout = <timeout-in-seconds>

Touch Considerations

The following are the considerations for Touch app version 4.0:

  • Deltek Touch for Maconomy supports mobile devices that run on Android 9 (or higher) and Apple iOS 14 (or higher).
    Attention: For more information about the Touch installation requirements, see the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Admin Guide.
  • As part of the MScript API removal, note the following technical considerations when you upgrade to Maconomy 2.6 :
    • All existing Touch customizations will become obsolete and will not reflect in the Touch app. Redo the layout and setting customizations in Extender.
    • See the Rewrite Customizations in REST section in the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Layout Configuration Guide.
    • The CouplingConfiguration.mcsl.xml file now contains additional information that Touch needs. If you customized this file, make sure to update it.
    • There are considerable changes in the Touch installation process. See the What’s New section of the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Touch Admin Guide.
    • You need to manually set up the login credential type (Maconomy / Azure / Kerberos / Okta / OneLogin) in the configuration.ini / tenant.ini. Otherwise, Touch automatically uses Maconomy credentials for logins. See the REST_LOGIN_TYPE Example section in the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Touch Admin Guide.
    • Users must have full access (read, create, update, and delete) to the ExpenseSheets, MileageSheets, PurchaseOrders, AbsenceCalendarLines, and AbsenceEntryOverview Maconomy dialogs for them to register expense, mileage, purchase orders, and absences and allowances in Touch.
    • You can no longer set the CLIENTURL in the Touch installer. The Touch URL provided in the Touch installer is used by default. You can manually change it in the configuration.ini / tenant.ini file.
    • For multitenant Touch installations, make sure you update all the tenant.ini files manually.

Web Client Considerations

Please note that if you have customized Web Client workspaces, there will be a task for an extension consultant to make these workspaces work after the upgrade to 2.6.

Attention: For more information about the Web Client installation, see the Deltek Web Client Install Guide.

People Planner Considerations

The following are the considerations for People Planner 4.3:

  • Before updating to 4.3, you must uninstall previous People Planner Web Components (including MyPlan and API).
  • You must obtain a license key from Deltek Global Distribution ( before you can proceed with the installation of 4.3.
Attention: As of 4.3, the following are deprecated:
  • People Planner Azure Authentication
  • Maconomy Portal-specific features

These will be removed altogether in People Planner 4.4.

Attention: For more information about the requirements and instructions for installing the People Planner software, see the Deltek People Planner Technical Installation Guide. See the Deltek People Planner Administration Guide for information about customizing the People Planner installation.