
The following enhancement is available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.1:

Support for Standard Option List Fields in REST

Deltek Tracking: 930269

The REST layouts have been updated to support Option Lists, which are special fields in Maconomy and are usually used in pairs. One field identifies the option list itself and the other field holds the selected value.

For example, your technical consultant can add the <Option List Number 1> and <Selected Option 1> fields to the Timesheet Line screen. These fields allow you to select, for example, State for <Option List Number 1> and Alabama (which is one of the accepted values for State) for <Selected Option 1>.

Warning Message on De-Supported Backend

Deltek Tracking: 911550

The Settings/About screen now highlights in red the components which have an un-supported version:
  • Touch backend version lower than 2.0 is no longer supported. If you continue using de-supported versions, Touch may encounter issues or not function properly.
  • Touch backend version 2.0 will no longer be supported starting April 2019.
  • iOS 9 and 10 are no longer supported. You can install the app on these iOS versions, but the app may encounter issues or not function properly. For devices running on Android, however, only those using version 6.0 or higher can download and upgrade to the Touch 3.1 application.
  • Maconomy 2.0 will no longer be supported starting April 2019.
  • Maconomy X1 will no longer be supported starting June 2019.
    Note: Deltek recommends that you upgrade to the latest supported version.

Option to Hide Maconomy Login in a Single Sign-On (SSO) Environment

Deltek Tracking: 789006

To prevent users from selecting the wrong login method, a new server setting called AllowMaconomyLoginWhenUsingExternalCredentials has been added to DeltekTouch.I. It gives customers an option to hide Maconomy login from users in an SSO environment for Kerberos or Azure. To use this functionality, users should have Maconomy 2.2/2.3/2.4 (or higher) and API 2.3 or higher.

By default, this is disabled.

Note: For more information on the new server setting, see the Deltek Touch for Maconomy Technical Installation Guide.

Required Fields Attribute

Deltek Tracking: 570320

All required fields in Touch now display a small red asterisk (*), which indicates that you should fill them out to save records, such as a timesheet and an expense sheet, successfully. When you leave a required field empty or enter a value with an invalid format, a corresponding warning or error message displays.

In addition, the Mandatory field setting has been added to the layout, allowing consultants to require whether you enter a value in a certain field.

Note: For more information on the field setting, see the Deltek Touch for Maconomy Layout Configuration Guide.