Software Issues Resolved

Defect 913328

Touch App Froze When You Updated Password

If you were logged on to Touch and you changed your Maconomy user password in Workspace Client, the Touch app would freeze. If you tried to log out in Touch two or more times, Maconomy blocked your user.

This defect affected all Touch users on all Maconomy versions, if they changed the Maconomy password. As a workaround, shut down the app and log on again with the new password.

Defect 911926

My Jobs Includes Blocked Jobs

When searching for a job to use on time/expense/mileage sheets, you had the option to see My Jobs containing the list of jobs you were allowed to use, based on your employee control setup. Previously, blocked jobs were available in My Jobs.

This has been updated so that blocked jobs no longer appear in the list. This defect affected all REST Touch users who were using My Jobs in the job search screens.

Defect 959800

Incorrect Decimal Separator in Allowance Requests

If you had a device set up to use comma as decimal separator, you would expect that all values with decimals displayed in Touch using comma as decimal separator. This did not happen in allowance request, where decimal values where displaced with period as decimal separator.

This has been corrected to show comma as decimal separator. This defect affected all Touch users, with a device set up to use comma as decimal separator, using allowance.

Defect 992357

Comma Decimal Separator Does Not Display on Fields

The comma decimal separator did not display properly on real type field values. For example, on an expense sheet line, the Quantity field displayed 1234 instead of 12,34.

This defect affected iOS customers who were using comma as decimal separator.

Defect 1007200

Unable to Save Task and Activity from Favorite if Using Special Characters

If you had a special character (such as €, space) in the Favorite name, you would not be able to use the Favorite for time registration, since it would not derive the task and activity from the Favorite.

This defect affected all MScript Touch users, using a Favorite with special characters in the Favorite name. As a workaround, change your Favorite name to not include special characters.

Defect 984298

Issues When Employee Number Uses #

If you were linked to an employee and has an Employee Number with a hashtag [#] character, you would not be able to see the recently used jobs on the Find Job screen.

This defect affected REST Touch customers with an Employee Number containing # character.

As a workaround, update the Employee Number field in Maconomy. Also, avoid using # in the Employee Number field in Maconomy.

Defect 986967

Unable to Save Empty Value in Custom Lookup Field on the Time Sheet Line

If a lookup screen had an empty value as a possible option, you may select this value and it would display correctly (as empty) on the time sheet line. When saving the time sheet line, however, the empty value would not be saved, so when you loaded the time sheet again, the line retained the previous value (instead of empty).

This defect affected REST Touch customers with Java extensions allowing empty values in lookups.

Defect 885761

Incorrect Error Message When Saving Time Sheet Line from Favorites

If the Maconomy setup was incorrect (for example, missing week calendars) and you tried to save a time sheet line created from a Favorite, an incorrect error message would display in Touch.

The fix consists of showing a more meaningful error message, which indicates the Maconomy setup issue. This helps you identify the setup changes you must make in Maconomy to save your time sheet line in Touch.

This defect affected customers using MScript Touch (all Maconomy versions), with incorrect Maconomy setup, such as missing week calendars.

Defect 921633

Users Unable to Login Using SSO After Changing the Domain Password

If you logged on to Touch using your domain/network credentials and you set up your PIN, the next time you used the app, you would only enter your PIN. If you changed your existing domain/network password, however, your PIN would become invalid and you would need to log on again.

The fix consists of allowing you to log on again using your domain/network credentials.

This defect affected customers using Kerberos SSO (domain/network login), when their domain/network password is changed. Affects users on all Maconomy versions.

As a workaround, when you are brought back to the Maconomy login screen, tap Server URL, and reconnect.