System Admin

Defect 1594917

Running Services Block CU Installer

When using the CU installer, Coupling Services had to be stopped on the target applications especially for the second or succeeding nodes since the installer will not proceed if it detects that there are still active users running on the system, even if you manually disconnected them via CMD. This error is corrected, and MConfig now stops running Coupling Services on all nodes.

Defect 1682430

Missing Indexes on SQL Server

On SQL Server, uniqueness constraints cannot be deferred. This means that the supporting indexes are not created and the corresponding "Application" indexes are not created either because they have been filtered away when determining Standard Indexes and Constraints. To resolve the issue, we have created separate files for Oracle and SQL server describing the standard indexes and constraints.

Defect 1502365

Timezone Error Update

A number of places in Maconomy contain date and time fields that are supposed to show date and time information derived from user's local timezone. However, due to a defect, the server's default timezone was always used to calculate this information. This defect has now been fixed.

Defect 1550940

BGT - Could Report Wrong Host Name

In cases where the background task framework showed the hostname, this was previously shown as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This is changed and now only the simple hostname is shown.

Before 2.6:



This change affects the display for hostname in the Background Task workspace and emails sent from the background task framework.

Defect 1498498

BGT - Fields from Card-Pane Could Not Be Used in Record Condition

When defining scheduled rules and tasks in the background task framework, it is now possible to use fields from the card-pane in the current container when defining a record condition for a table-pane in a rule/task. Fields from the card-pane in the current container are accessible by the prefix: 'card.', e.g. 'card.EmployeeNumber'.

Defect 1528608

BGT - Non-Singleton Container Without a Filter Reports Error

You can now define a scheduled rule in the background task framework for a non-singleton container without a filter defined, and not get the error: One of either 'Match All' or 'Container Selection' fields (but not both) should be defined for container '<ContainerName>'.

Defect 1542999

Context Arguments Missing in Unlocalized Error Messages

Some unlocalized error messages in error-logs and error-emails were missing context arguments. These included: There are too few () servers configured for the background task administrator locale... The above should have been: There are too few (10) servers configured for the background task administrator locale... The issue has been fixed.

Defect 1543279

APM: Failing WebDaemon Requests Were Not Logged

A legacy CGI web request (MScript, Analyzer, etc.) that failed due to either an unexpected server process termination or a client connection termination was not reported as failed in the APM monitor log (maconomy-monitor.log). This meant that it was not possible to detect and diagnose such errors in the APM log and associated log reporting tools.

Defect 1563281

Error Uploading Files on Linux

From release 2.6, the Security FileCheck is enabled by default, as it was not possible to upload any file on Linux due to how arguments were given to the command executor. This has now been fixed.

Defect 1575173

Missing Error Status

Previously, when an error occurred during commit and/or rollback of the execution status of a background task, the execution status was marked as 'Aborted' and the reason for abort was not logged on the task. This was especially cumbersome when the error was a 'Missing access to the BackgroundTaskLogging-container' as this is a setup-error which should be fixed by the batch-administrator. This issue has now been fixed and the error reason (such as missing access) is logged.

Defect 1575428

Error in the EmailOnAction Action

An error in the EmailOnAction action (used to send e-mails after performing some action in Maconomy, possibly with documents resulting from the embedded action being attached) meant that if an error occurred during sending of an email, the document to be attached could be attached to another mail (for a potentially different recipient). This error has now been fixed.

Defect 1600730

BGT: Indefinite Committed State

In rare cases. a background task could end up in the state "Committed" indefinitely. This could stop other tasks from executing. Furthermore, if this happened to the "system task," no schedule rules would run. This error has been fixed.

Defect 1605551

Notification Calculation Log File Errors

When doing notification calculations, Maconomy was logging exceptions (including stack traces) in cases where it was not needed. This led to spamming of the log file in cases where the system is not optimally configured, such as when a user does not have access to needed dialogs. The logging has been fixed and stack-traces are no longer (only the message) when users do not have access to a needed dialog.

Defect 1605552

BGT - Logging for Transaction of Task Improved

The logging (when enabled for bug-tracing) during execution of background tasks has been improved. More information has been added in the log.

Defect 1633444

BGT - LayoutNameType Popups Cannot Be Used

Background tasks attempting to update fields of type "LayoutNameType" would typically fail during execution. The work-around for this was to mark such field values as being of type "expressions" and making use of the expression function maconomy:popup ("LayoutNameType", <literal-value>, <ordinal-of-the-chosen-literal-value>). This bug has now been fixed so that you can make updates to values of type LayoutNameType just by specifying the value as LayoutNameType'<literal-value> and the value does not have to be marked as an expression.

Defect 1636288

BGT - Fields are Sometimes Not Validated Correctly

In some cases, the specification of background tasks and rules via WSC would allow non-existent fields to be added as data-fields. The bug has been corrected and you now generate an error in these cases.

Defect 1684681

BGT - Inefficient Handling of Chained Tasks

When "chained background tasks" are generated from a schedule rule, their execution may sometimes be handled inefficiently. Performance optimizations have been made so that this is now handled better, in some cases significantly faster.

Defect 1445190

Server: Disable NoWait Cursors by Default

The support for NoWait semantics on dialog update cursors has been removed. These semantics were originally introduced as a way to prevent update cursors from hanging on conflicting database locks, but they also meant that update requests would fail even on short-lived lock contention, where it often would make more sense to wait for the lock to be released and try the update anyway.

The use of NoWait semantics for dialog cursors is now desupported, along with the server configuration setting that used to control this behavior:


SQL_NoWaitEnabled (desupported)

Defect 1450806

Security Log Enabled by MaconomyCustom.ini Setting

Previously the Security Log was enabled by setting the +LL option using the EditStringResource.exe tool, which was confusing and error-prone. Now the Security Log is enabled by setting:



in the MaconomyCustom.ini.

See further details on the Security Log in the System Admin Guide.

Defect 1462706

Deletion Could Cause Duplicate Line Numbers

In rare cases, deleting records in the database could lead to duplicate line numbers.

Defect 1527101

MaconomyServer.log File Does Not Rotate

When the specified maximum file size for MaconomyServer.log was exceeded, a new log file was not always created and the previous logfile was re-used. This error has been corrected.

Defect 1551081

BGT - System Issued False Warning

In cases where multiple coupling services are used, and some of these coupling services have been deliberately removed from the pool of coupling services to perform background task operations, the background-task self-monitoring system might send a false warning that the background task system system was running with reduced capacity. The error has now been fixed, which means that coupling services that have deliberately specified not to perform background tasks will be disregarded.

Defect 1563280

Incorrect Sort Order on MQL Queries

MQL queries specifying sorting on the same field twice, but with different ordering directions, were mistakenly sorted as the LAST sort-order only. This also had an implication for custom containers contributed as an extension, since it was not possible to revert the sort-order on any of the key-field columns in the filter. This error has now been fixed, and MQL-queries may now specify an order-by on the same field (such as ORDER BY FieldA DESC, FieldA ASC) and it will behave correctly (in essence, ordering in accordance with the FIRST specification). This also implies that it will be possible to revert the ordering on all fields in the filter of a custom container.

Defect 1573151

Setup Page Continuous Display

A bug on Splunk 8.4 caused the setup page to always display, making it impossible to access the application. This error is corrected.

Defect 1573948

Additional File Format for Default Filetypes Allowed for Upload in Maconomy

New default accepted file types for Security FileCheck include:

7-zip archive data

ISO-8859 text

Rich Text Format data

Defect 1596567

MScript Function Returns Filenames in the Current Codepage

The MScript function file::readdir() returns a listing of files in a directory. Previously, if the file names contained non-ASCII characters, the file name encoding on Windows would not be correct UTF-8. This has been fixed so non-ASCII file names are listed correctly. Also, the MScript function file::open() function supports opening files with non-ASCII file names on Windows.

Defect 1609546

Improved McKeyExistsException Error Message

Previously, when trying to create a new record in a dialog with the same key values as an already existing record, you would get an error saying "This entry already exists." If you have an extension that tries to create entries in a completely different dialog, then this message can be confusing and even misleading. The message has been changed to include the name of the underlying dialog. The message ID has not changed.

Defect 1682409

ActionCard Dialogs Handled Cancelled CheckWarnings Incorrectly

The MaconomyServer dialog engine did not handle parameter dialog operations correctly, if they were cancelled by the user through a "CheckWarning" callback. This meant that the operation did not appear as cancelled internally in the container API, and in the RESTful API the operation would also appear as completed (HTTP response: 200 OK) instead of the expected status (HTTP response: 422: Unprocessable entity).

Defect 1682911

Server Start Performance

We have removed performance overhead on server start, which was induced by the Keystore security feature.

Defect 1422352

Dictionaries Translating Expressions Fail Loading

Dictionaries containing translations of expressions can cause layouts or workspaces to fail loading (for example, Totals for ^{JobProgressHistoryFilter.EstimateDate} Totals for ^{EngagementProgressHistoryFilter.EstimateDate} The SolutionDictionary tool and the dictionary validation now take this into account.

Defect 1227455

Import Log Files Missing File Extension

Previously, log files from running import programs were missing an extension in the file name. Now log files will have the extension ".log".

Defect 1310628

Last Field Missing in Import Programs Help

When using the Help feature of import programs, the generated format lines were missing the last field.

Defect 1459313

Reload Web Server Configuration

Previously, MConfig would restart IIS/Apache web server unconditionally when installing Maconomy. MConfig will now only restart specific sites.

Defect 1462458

Long Password Caused MConfig to Hang

When starting MConfig the first time on Windows, the user Maconomy is created if necessary. Previously, if the supplied password was longer than 14 characters, MConfig would hang. This issue is now fixed.

Defect 1477827

MConfig Offered SID Creation

On Remote/Client Database Entries MConfig should not offer SID creation on remote/client Database entries. This possibility has been removed from MConfig.

Defect 1493560

Wrong Timestamp on Files Unzipped from an APU

When an APU was extracted with MConfig, files could get time stamps incorrectly adjusted for daylight savings time. This error is corrected.

Defect 1547762

Error in Detection of SQLServer Named Instances

SQLServer named instances could be detected and stored in the MConfig registry with wrong version data. This error is fixed.

Defect 1561054

Ampersand Caused Error in Project Name

In the web client, it is not possible to access jobs with a project name containing the ampersand character, and attempts resulted in an Invalid response error 400. The fix is the removal of the ampersand.

Defect 1572200

Application Version Shown Incorrectly

In the Application window, the field Application version should show full version information, such as "Maconomy W 21.0.103c". Previously, you might see incorrect information, such as "Maconomy W 21.0" or "Maconomy W 22.00". This is issue is now fixed by providing correct information.

Defect 1582922

Check for Missing Update-/RequestLog.cnf

Creating a new application with shortnames at one time would fail if add-ons 32 and 33 were enabled due to missing Update-/RequestLog.cnf files. This led to a number of inconsistencies. This issue is now fixed by copying cnf files from the PUs, or returns an error message.

Defect 1582924

Missing Coupling Service

When creating a new application, the Coupling Service may in some cases not be installed correctly. This issue is now fixed.

Defect 1583085

Web Client FPU Unpacked Twice

Previously, when installing the web client, it was unpacked twice. This is corrected by adding a condition for a local machine and remote server.

Defect 1601240

Fatal Error when Creating Application and Shortname at the Same Time

When you decide to create an Application in MConfig and attach a Shortname all in the same process, you can encounter a fatal error after validating the installation. This is now fixed by showing a warning message and preventing you from creating an Application and Shortname (that already exists) at the same time which causes the error.

Defect 1613093

MConfig Handles Changes in Delete Trigger Scripts

Installing an APU with a changed CreateDeleteTriggers.sql script should result in installing new triggers, possibly first dropping existing triggers. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1652209

Missing Delete Triggers

When installing AnalytixBI, you also get delete triggers. This is noted in the registry but isn't cleared when dropping the triggers. This is fixed by clearing the delete triggers.