
Touch App Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 4.1.3:

Simplified Azure Reauthentication

Deltek Tracking: 1824367

Previously, Azure reauthentication sometimes failed and users had to go through several steps before they can use the Touch app. With the simplified Azure reauthentication process, you now only need to provide your PIN or biometric authentications and then log in using your Azure credentials to access the app.

Maconomy Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 4.1.3 and Maconomy 2.6.1 C.U. 3:

Seamless Azure Reauthentication

Deltek Tracking: 1824367

If you previously had Azure reauthentication issues in Touch, you can now log in the app again with either your PIN or biometrics only. You do not need to resupply your Azure credentials.

Note: The REST_USESF parameter is added to the configuration.ini. See the Deltek Touch 4.1.3 for Maconomy 2.6.1 Admin Guide for details.