
Defect 1970537, 2020295

Unable to Login using Azure and Okta

Previously, some iOS and Android users were unable to log in with Azure and Okta credentials when using the Touch app on a Maconomy 2.6.1 system. This error is corrected in Maconomy 2.6.2.

This fix has installation impact. Please see the Azure/Okta section in the Deltek Touch 4.2 for Maconomy 2.6.2 Admin Guide.

Defect 2009897

Unable to Approve Time Sheet with a Number Sign

Previously, it was not possible to see the detailed approval screen for the time sheet if the employee number contains a number sign (#). This error is corrected.

Defect 2014884

Incorrect Expense Sheet Line Content

Previously, when a user submitted an expense sheet with multiple lines of expense justifications, changing the unit price on one line could cause the information of another line to be displayed. This error is corrected.