Statutory / BPM

Defect 1246406

Incorrect Date Format in Reports Workspaces

Previously, some Reports workspaces displayed the wrong date format in the selection criteria. The date format is corrected to M-DD-YYYY.

Defect 1257463

Disabled Ctrl+G (Search) on Transaction Type Field

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G, which opens the search screen, was disabled for the Transaction Type field on the A/P Aging and A/P Transactions workspaces. This error is corrected.

Defect 1319882

Negative Sign Not Displaying for Net Loss When Using Natural Sign

Previously, values that indicated net loss in Profit and Loss reports (Profit and Loss, Profit and Loss, by Dimensions, and Profit and Loss, Comparative Year) were displayed as positive amounts even when the natural sign option was enabled. This error is corrected.

Defect 1487887

BPM Statutory Reports: Issues with Linux Folder Structure

Previously, Maconomy systems (2.5.2 and later) installed in Linux gave a "Could not find a file with name: error" when trying to access the UK Tax Submissions and Statutory Reporting workspaces. This is because folder names in Linux are case-sensitive. This error is corrected.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.

Defect 1489989

Insufficient Space for Large Numbers in Profit and Loss Reports

Previously, Profit and Loss reports were unable to display large numerical values in one line. The column width is increased to accommodate numbers of up to a hundred million (or nine digits and two decimal places) and a negative sign, if applicable.

Defect 1510230

USync Error When White List User Detected

Previously, USync resulted in an invalid query error when a user from a white list group was detected. This error is corrected.

Defect 1531970

Prompts in Embedded Reports Do Not Automatically Populate

Previously, embedded reports were not automatically fetching values for the Job No., Customer No., and Employee No. prompts. This error is corrected so values populate upon accessing the prompts.

Defect 1646330

AU Statutory AP and AR Aging Reports Missing Dimension Prompts

Previously, the AU statutory AP and AR Aging reports had missing dimensions prompts in WSC, and as such, the value did not pass to the BO prompts. The dimensions prompts are now added.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.

Defect 1675195

Tax Deferred - Original Object From Tax Settlement Universe Returns Invalid Value

The Tax Deferred - Original object was incorrectly defined so it returned a zero or an invalid number error. This is corrected such that Tax Deferred - Original now references the correct object and returns a Yes or No.

Defect 1693906

Blank Sections in Report when Exchange Rate Varies

Generated finance reports previously had #MULTIVALUES when the report was run for companies that had the same base currency but varying exchange rates, and the Use Reporting Currency and Use Company Specific Exchange Rates options were set to Yes. This error is corrected.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.

Defect 1709935

Error Viewing Profit and Loss Embedded Report

The Profit and Loss report of a company from the General Ledger » Companies list was previously inaccessible because WSC was designed to embed a deleted report. This error is corrected.

Defect 1725591

Error Running Job on SQL Server DWH Using Pentaho 9.3

Previously, the load or create job on a SQL Server Data Warehouse (DWH) using Pentaho 9.3 displayed an error. This error is corrected.

Defect 1746131

Incorrect Values on Balance Sheet Movement Report

The Balance Sheet, Comparative Year tab previously displayed incorrect values on the Compare table. This error is corrected such that the values on the Period and Compare tables are the same.

Defect 1381495

Format Error in Tax Return CA3 Report

In the Tax Return CA3 (France statutory) report, when data does not exist on a specific Tax Code , #,##0.00 shows instead of 0.00. This error is corrected.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.5.2.

Defect 1606791

NSAFT: Replace Hardcoded File Separator

Previously, the file separator for temporary files was hardcoded and this did not work on non Windows systems. NSAFT now uses the file.separator() function to generate temporary files.

Defect 1716217

NSAFT: Improvements to Database Queries and Exchange Rate Format

Previous changes to the VATSETTLEMENTENTRY query caused NSAFT to take longer when generating the XML report. Performance improvements have been made to provide faster database queries. In addition, the exchange rate format is updated to remove extra zeros.

Defect 1738144

Norway Tax Return: Inconsistent Tax Rates Format

Previously, the numeric format of tax rates for unmapped tax codes and mapped tax codes were inconsistent. This error is corrected.

Defect 1686306

Dutch Audit Performance: Background Task Fails

Previously, the report had issues running with huge amounts of data. It is improved to accommodate more finance entries. For example, data that ran successfully included 160k finance entries with running time of 5 minutes using 50k pagination size (or one hour using the default pagination size of 20k). It is possible that some systems can handle more than this depending on the hardware resources.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.

Defect 1686535

SIE: Missing #TRANS Lines

Previously, the SIE report had some missing lines in the #TRANS field when transactions were aggregated instead of displaying as separate lines. This error is corrected.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.

Defect 1702119

SIE: Remove Transactions From Previous Year

Previously, the Swedish SIE (Standard Import/Export) report displayed transactions from the previous year even if it was not included in the Year-Period (YYYY-MM) range entered in the selection criteria. This error is corrected.

Defect 1732201

Corrected Restriction on Tax Settlement Entries

Previously, users with restricted access to a company could not view the tax settlement values of finance entries for that company. This resulted in a mismatch between the VAT settlement total and the UK MTD VAT Submission report total for some companies. This error is corrected such that company access is restricted on the finance entry instead of the tax settlement entry.

Defect 1681712

UK MTD: Get VAT Return Action Displays Internal Error When Company Tax Number Contains Non-Alphanumeric Characters

Previously when the Company Tax Number field contained non-alphanumeric characters or white spaces and you clicked the Get VAT Return action button, the system generated an illegal character exception error instead of a standard Maconomy error, which prevented VAT submissions. This error is corrected.