Time Table

This section describes the fields and actions on the Time table of the Baseline tab in the Budgeting workspace.

Table Fields

Note: On parent lines in tree tables, only the Description field is editable. On non-parent sum lines in tree tables, only the Description, Line Type, and Task fields are editable.
Field Description
Resource Forecast Click the action to display the Resource Forecast wizard, which contains Maconomy data retrieved from People Planner.

This action only displays if:

  • The company-specific Enable People Planner Web system parameter is enabled.
  • The Use Imported Budget Line Resource Allocation job parameter attribute is enabled on the job related to the current budget line.
  • The current line is not a sum/text line.
Description Copy to come.
Line Type Copy to come.
Task Copy to come.
Incl. in FP Copy to come.
Qty Copy to come.
Cost Copy to come.
Total Cost Copy to come.
Billing Price Copy to come.
Total Billing Price Copy to come.
GM Copy to come.
Markup Copy to come.

Table Actions

Action Description
+ Copy to come.
Click this action to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this action to maximize the table view.

Click this action to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this action to open the Customize Columns window.