
This section gives a high-level summary of the key features that are available in this release.

Note: For more information about the enhancements, see the Deltek Maconomy 2.6.2 Enhancements Guide.

General Enhancements

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Sales Orders in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1043350

New workspaces are added to support sales orders in the web client.

Sales Order Setup Workspaces in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1769210

You can now perform sales orders setup in the web client.

Sales Orders in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1043350

The Reference field is now added to the Subscription Orders single dialog in the Workspace Client. field is now added to the Subscription Orders single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Support for Subscription Orders in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1043346

You can now manage your subscription orders in the new subscription-related workspaces in the web client.

Access Control Setup in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1567538

Companies can now perform access control setup and update these settings as needed using the Maconomy web client.

Working with Import Programs in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 2002466

The Import workspace is added to the Setup menu section of the web client. This new workspace allows users to work with the import programs to which they have access.

Toggle Switches in Tables

Deltek Tracking: 2010810

Toggle switches can now be added to tables in the web client. In selected workspaces, the toggle switch found in the card has been moved to the corresponding table

Changing Roles in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1070803

You can now switch from one role to another while using the web client.

Enhanced Help Icon in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1950340

Clicking the help icon found on the top right corner of the web client now expands a dropdown that contains various links to documentation.

Sorting Rows in Web Analyzer Reports

Deltek Tracking: 1867532

Web Analyzer users can now sort the rows in their reports by specifying report columns and indicating whether they want to sort rows in ascending or descending order, depending on their value for those columns. Sorting against multiple columns in a report is also possible.

Restricting Number of Displayed Rows in a Web Analyzer Report

Deltek Tracking: 1953664

When working with large reports in the Maconomy web client, you can now limit the number of rows displayed in the finished report.

Paging in Finished Web Analyzer Reports

Deltek Tracking: 1867530

Finished web Analyzer reports are now pageable, allowing users to view report lines in more manageable batches of 25 lines per page (by default).

Web Client Assistants

Deltek Tracking: 966600

Assistants (side panels that expand from the right) are now available by default in some workspaces, and as a customization option for the other workspaces.

Displaying Record Revision Information

Deltek Tracking: 989537

Record revision information is now displayed on the top right corner of select workspaces in the Maconomy web client. Specifically, Maconomy indicates in blue text when the current record was created or last updated.

Support for Dark Mode

Deltek Tracking: 1862588

Web client users can now switch to Dark Mode. The beta version is available as an option in the My Settings dialog.

Server-Side Paging of Table Data for the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1627661

The REST API now allows server-side processing of table data, cutting down on the overhead required when transmitting and processing large tables.

Collapsing Islands in a Row

Deltek Tracking: 1853012

You can now use the new scope row type to group several islands in a row and allow users to collapse and expand those islands by clicking a single arrow icon.

Displaying Field Value Lists as Radio Buttons

Deltek Tracking: 1759839

Companies that use the Maconomy web client can now opt to display the options for popup or enumeration data type fields as a column of radio buttons.

Displaying Multiple Field Values in the Record Area of a Workspace

Deltek Tracking: 1966365

Companies now have the option to display multiple field values in the record area of a web client workspace.

Cascading Formatting for Elements, Grids, and Tables

Deltek Tracking: 1912143

You can now apply more detailed and specific formatting to the layout of your Maconomy web client workspaces.

Customizing Advanced Search Window Titles

Deltek Tracking: 1956124

You can now customize the title that appears at the top of advanced search windows.

Using an External Browser for OAuth Login

Deltek Tracking: 1956138

Users who log in to the Workspace Client via Open Authorization (OAuth)-based options can now do so using an external browser.

Removal of the Log4j Library from the Workspace Client

Deltek Tracking: 1764367

Log4j is now removed from the Workspace Client.

E-Forms in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1763553

You can now create e-forms and e-form types in the web client.

Absence Setup in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1539606

You can now set up vacation calendars and absence types, as well as create teams in the web client.

Job Cost Setup in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1086201

You can now set up and configure some of the job cost functionality in the web client.

Reference Workspaces in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1670286

Reference workspaces in the web client are now optimized to align with the workspace layouts used across the system

Display Open Activities Only for WIP Invoices

Deltek Tracking: 1934329

You can now choose to display activities with open entries only on a job in the WIP Invoice workspace in the web client.

Job Invoice Allocation in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1934388

You can now match and allocate job entries against invoices on account in the new Job Invoice Allocation workspace.

Job Administration Workspaces

Deltek Tracking: 1086200, 1837813, 1838531,1813725, 1934388, 1086202, 1934386

Existing job cost-related functionalities in the Workspace Client are now available in the web client, including Job Journal, Job Reallocation, Job Transfer, Job Accruals, Job Collections, Roll Forward Job, Revenue Recognition, WIP Evaluation, and Job Invoice Allocation.

Fixed Exchange Rate Information in the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1086202

Project managers can now manage job-specific exchange rates in the web client.

Transaction Timestamps in Filter Panes

Deltek Tracking: 1728997

Transaction timestamps are now available in filter panes to provide more support for configurations.

On Account Invoice Reconciliation in WIP Invoice Workspace

Deltek Tracking: 1926447

The On Account Reconciliation tab in the WIP Invoice workspace is added to the web client to support reconciling WIP invoices against invoices on account from a job or job collection.

Entries Within Delimitation Only in Invoicing Workspace

Deltek Tracking: 1930278

The Entries within Delimitation Only option is added to the WIP Invoice and Customer Invoicing workspaces in the web client.

Entries Assistant in WIP Invoice Selection

Deltek Tracking: 1956026

A new assistant has been introduced in the WIP Invoice workspace enabling users to view and edit the details of a line. Previously, this was only possible in the wizard.

API for SFTP in Pagero Invoice Integrations

Deltek Tracking: 1674985

This enhancement introduces API validation to SFTP for Pagero e-Invoice integrations. This allows the integration to receive data after connecting via a valid token sent through the API framework.

Skip Recalculation of Price on Subscription Order when Quantity is Changed

Deltek Tracking: 1864186

This feature introduces Keep Price functionality in Subscription Orders, which allows you to disable automatic recalculation of prices. This functionality previously existed in Sales Orders and is now extended to Subscription Orders so that manual entry of Price and Discount can be added manually without values being overwritten by recalculation.

Document Archive Access Enhancements

Deltek Tracking: 1243508

This enhancement includes changes to Maconomy that allow automatic calculation of access levels of document archives.

Project Management

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Project Portfolio Dashboard

Deltek Tracking: 1616204

This enhancement introduces the Project Portfolio Dashboard, which uses charts functionality to display various project-related data and statistics.


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Advanced Filtering for Approvals

Deltek Tracking: 1921485

You can now remove pending approvals for the employee type or employee group in the Approval Center by changing the approval hierarchy setup.

Improved Approval Capability for Groups of Employees

Deltek Tracking: 1441432

The approval hierarchy process is updated to allow group approval through Employee Groups (for example, six members of a "Finance AR" group to approve a draft invoice).


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Enhancements for Quick Capture with ICR

Deltek Tracking: 1913153

Quick Capture introduces new features to the camera screen when Intelligent Camera Recognition (ICR) is enabled.

Support for TLS 1.3

Deltek Tracking: 1884716

Touch has been updated to support TLS 1.3 protocol.

Support for Android 14

Deltek Tracking: 1937828

Touch has been updated to support Android 14.

Support for iOS 17

Deltek Tracking: 1937827

Touch has been updated to support iOS 17.


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Vendor Open Entry Reconciliation

Deltek Tracking: 1896985

The Vendor Open Entry Reconciliation workspace is added to the Maconomy Web Client to allow finance users to reconcile AP open entries against vendor invoices and other AP entries.

New Workspaces in Accounts Payable

Deltek Tracking: 1897003

The Payments submenu is added to the Maconomy Web Client to provide finance users information related to vendor payments.

Tax Settlement Enhancement

Deltek Tracking: 1890207

Finance users can now select and reopen old periods for tax settlements, extending beyond the current and previous year.

Purchase Orders Enhancement

Deltek Tracking: 1842774

The Purchase Orders workspace is now enhanced to improve the purchase order process.

Enhanced Vendors and Company Vendors Workspace

Deltek Tracking: 1842751

The Vendors and Company Vendors workspaces are updated to support additional functionality when working on vendors and company vendors information.

AP Cockpit

Deltek Tracking: 1842728

The AP Cockpit is added to the Maconomy web client to provide finance users quick access to workspaces to view vendor invoice overview and status, open and print entry statements, and other related information.

Enhanced Format Specification Module

Deltek Tracking: 1830751

The Format Specification module is now improved to better support export of payment data.

Intercompany Instance Key Joins

Deltek Tracking: 1814317

We have updated Maconomy to provide an instance key that is used to link the tax settlement entries to the finance basis entry of the same company.

New Web Client Workspaces in Accounts Receivable

Deltek Tracking: 1642327

Workspaces in Accounts Receivable are ported from the Workspace Client to the Web Client to support customer payments-related processes.

Improved Web Client Vendor Invoice Process

Deltek Tracking: 1552255

Finance users can now complete vendor invoice registration in the Maconomy web client.

New Web Client Workspaces in General Ledger

Deltek Tracking: 1552254

Workspaces in General Ledger are ported from the Workspace Client to the Web Client to support general ledger transactions.

Responsible Field Now Editable

Deltek Tracking: 1487816

The Responsible field in the Approval Lists workspace is now editable to allow users change another employee in case of issues or if the employee leaves the company.

Country List and Country List Lines Single Dialog Workspaces

Deltek Tracking: 1249438

The Country List and Country List Lines single dialog workspaces are added to the Workspace Client to support group of countries that is used in reporting.

New Vendors and Company Vendors Tabs

Deltek Tracking: 942972

The Approval Center workspace is updated in the Web Client and the Workspace Client to support the approval process for vendors and company vendors.

Local Account Description on Finance Entry Filter Lists

Deltek Tracking: 1231575

The Local Account Description field is added to the filter lists of the Finance Entry Analysis and Show G/L Entries single dialog workspaces to enable you to track the local account name and description.

BPM / Statutory Reporting

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Updated Reports on Workspace Client

Deltek Tracking: 1904312

The Maconomy Workspace Client no longer supports embedded reports due a browser issue.

Restricted Access to Employee Data

Deltek Tracking: 1609219

Restricted access to employee data on Maconomy is now extended to BPM Reporting.

Restrict Access to TrustedPrincipal.conf File

Deltek Tracking: 553108

Currently, passwords contained in the Business Object (BO) file, TrustedPrincipal.conf, are in plain text and may be visible to anyone.

Maconomy BPM New Approach to Access Control

Deltek Tracking: 1528637

Maconomy BPM is updated with a new method of handling access control based on session context.

All BPM Reports Available in Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1841123

The BPM Web Intelligence (WebI) reports for BPM reporting are now available in the Maconomy Web Client.

Removed Links in BPM Web Intelligence Reports

Deltek Tracking: 1991341

Several BPM reporting Web Intelligence (WebI) documents are modified to remove links that open workspaces on the Workspace Client.

DAF: Configurable Timeouts for Background Tasks

Deltek Tracking: 1828834

The Dutch Audit File (DAF) report extension is updated to allow for the configuration of timeout settings on background tasks.

Norway Reports: Configure Tax Code Names for Incoming and Outgoing VAT

Deltek Tracking: 1816405

You can now assign different tax code names to distinguish between incoming VAT (or G/L Tax Code) and outgoing VAT (or Tax Code) values.

Norway Reports: Removed Default Tax Settlement No. Range

Deltek Tracking: 1836920

The default value on the Tax Settlement No. field of the NSAFT report and the Tax Return report selection criteria is removed to prevent missing values in the generated report.

NSAFT: Added Option to Display EU Acquisition VAT Entries

Deltek Tracking: 1741839

You can now select how to display EU acquisition VAT entries on the Norwegian Standard Audit File - Tax (NSAFT) report.

NSAFT: Remap Company Information Fields to Supplements

Deltek Tracking: 1825414

The Norwegian Standard Audit File - Tax (NSAFT) is updated to map the company information to supplement fields under Single Dialogs » Set-Up » Note » Supplements.

NSAFT: New Instance Key for Tax Entries

Deltek Tracking: 1838877

The Norwegian Standard Audit File - Tax (NSAFT) is updated to now use a new instance key, EXECUTINGFINANCEENTRYKEY

Tax Return Report: Accept Multiple Values for Company and Tax Reporting Unit Prompts

Deltek Tracking: 1764496

The Tax Return report is updated to accept multiple values for the Company No. and Tax Reporting Unit selection criteria fields.

SIE: Include Chart of Accounts and Combined Sequence Numbers By Default

Deltek Tracking: 1729003

The Standard Import/Export (SIE) report is enhanced to use new default settings.

SIE: Configurable Timeouts for Background Tasks

Deltek Tracking: 1828834

The Standard Import/Export (SIE) report extension is updated to allow for the configuration of timeout settings on background tasks.

New Swedish Reporting of Payment Time (Rapportering av betalningstider)

Deltek Tracking: 1821944

The Reporting of Payment Time or Rapportering av betalningstider is a statutory requirement for large companies (more than 249 employees) to report payments to subcontractors.

UK Tax Submissions: Updated Fraud Prevention Headers

Deltek Tracking: 1644199

The list of fraud prevention headers sent to HMRC is updated to include information about the physical device (or client device), such as a laptop or desktop computer, from which you are initiating the VAT submission.

People Planner

People Planner 4.5 is released along with Maconomy 2.6.2.

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

People Planner Upgrade to .NET 4.8.0

Deltek Tracking: 1875813

The People Planner frameworks is now updated from using .NET 4.7.2 to 4.8.0.

Support for Custom Filters in Imports

Deltek Tracking: 1900478

Support for custom filters is added to enable you to import more data from Maconomy via REST.

Calendar Import Improvements

Deltek Tracking: 1926820

Improvements have been made to calendar imports to optimize the user experience.

Import Actuals for a Specific Project

Deltek Tracking: 1986312

This early adopter feature adds the ability to let users import actuals for a specific project in the Web Components.

New Columns in the Web Components

Deltek Tracking: 1866405, 1892177, 2004155, 1720952

Several new columns are added to the Web Components including Employee Number, Task Description, Payment Customer, Project Description, and Kind columns.

Saved Layout Customizations

Deltek Tracking: 1877145

Additional layout settings have been moved from the browser cache to being saved in the PP database to aid in effective persistence.

Assign/Reassign Resource Dialog Enhancements

Deltek Tracking: 1877148

It is now easier to assign/reassign resources in the dialog box due to a larger display and the ability to switch between multiple display views

Show/Hide Resource Grid Function

Deltek Tracking: 1877153

The horizontal divider line in the Web Components has a new look to improve visibility of this functionality.

Editable Assignment Value Columns

Deltek Tracking: 1988257

The Value 1-2 columns are now editable on assignment lines.

Copy,Cut, and Paste Bookings

Deltek Tracking: 1866640

You can now copy, cut, and paste bookings in assignment grids.

Dynamic Booking in the Web Components

Deltek Tracking: 1997039

The Book Recurring action is renamed to Dynamic Booking throughout the Web Components.

Drag and Drop Gantt Sticks

Deltek Tracking: 811724

You can now adjust dates of a project by dragging the tips of the Gantt sticks or on the body or dates in the Web Components. Dates can be transferred back to Maconomy (if from 2.6.2) using the Update Resource Allocations action.

Copy Assignments from Imported Job Templates

Deltek Tracking: 1146041

With this early adopter feature, support is added for importing job templates from Maconomy. This includes copying the assignments from the template to another project in People Planner.

Display Specific Projects in Web Components

Deltek Tracking: 1490920

This feature introduces the ability to display a main project and its subprojects or a specific project excluding subprojects in the Web Components.

Go To End Context Menu

Deltek Tracking: 1875025

A Go to end context menu is now available in the Web Components to allow users to easily navigate to the end date of an event or assignment.

Resource Plans Specific Project View

Deltek Tracking: 1933885

In the Resource Plans workspace, the Resource Gantt (RG) now displays assignments related to the selected project only.

Editable Allocated and Allocated Amount Columns

Deltek Tracking: 1995023

You can now edit the Allocated and Allocated Amount columns. The entered value will be dynamically distributed as even allocations across all assigned resources for the full duration of the task selected.

Underspending/Overspending for First Progress Evaluation

Deltek Tracking: 2012637

The underspending/overspending feature is now enabled even when progress evaluation is run in Maconomy for the first time.

Early Adopter Opt-in Features and Settings in Admin Tool

Deltek Tracking: 1836603

A new section is added to the Admin Tool to enable early adopter features in People Planner. This allows you to test various functionalities that have not been publicly released yet. This includes the ability to control amount actuals on resource for amount, clean up of actuals missing in period, enabling actuals account modification, and enabling the button for project specific actuals import in the Web Components.

Disable Assignment Subgrid

Deltek Tracking: 1948485

You can now choose to prevent users from expanding the assignment subgrid in the RG in the Web Components.

Edit Read-Only Projects

Deltek Tracking: 1952384

Users with the requisite privileges can now edit read-only projects in the Project Management workspaces.


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

REST Support for Data Filtering

Deltek Tracking: 2005676

This feature adds support for Table Filtering via version 6.1 of the Containers Web Service, which is released with Maconomy 2.6.2. Table Filtering allows the client program to configure table record restriction at the container instance level

System Admin

Feature Web Desktop Mobile


Deltek Tracking: 1589079

  • Java SE Critical Patch Update January 2023 – for Maconomy 2.2.6 and 2.5.5
  • SQL Server 2022 – for Maconomy and People Planner
  • Mac OS 13 Ventura – for Maconomy
  • Mac OS 14 Sonoma – for Maconomy
  • BO 4.3 SP3 Patch 1 – for BPM
  • iOS 17 – for Touch
  • Firefox 102 ESR – for Web Client