Add Validation Rule

Use these steps to set up validation rules that Maconomy uses to ensure compliance with local legislations.

To add validation rule:

  1. Under the Setup menu groupn, go to System Setup > Rules of Validation.
  2. Use the search filter and/or the Search field to select a field for which you want to define the rule.
  3. In the table, click the + action.
  4. In the new line that displays:
    1. In the Country field, select a country in the dropdown list.
    2. Enter a value in the Minimum Number of Characters field.
    3. Enter a value in the Maximum Number of Characters field.
    4. Select a modulus principle to be applied in the validation. You can only select a modulus principle if the Allow Only Figures checkbox is selected.
    5. Select or deselect the Allow Only Figures checkbox as needed.
  5. Click Save.