
Touch App Enhancements

The following enhancement is available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.5:

Improved Touch Icon

Deltek Tracking: 1254965, 1281699

This feature introduces changes to the Touch icon for Apple and Android.
  • For iOS: The Touch icon color is updated in the Apple App store, and on the device home in compliance with new Apple regulations.

  • For Android: A new Touch icon is available in Google Play, and on the device home and splash screens.

Maconomy Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.5 and Maconomy 2.5.1 or 2.4.7:

Support for Okta Authentication

Deltek Tracking: 1269153

This feature introduces Okta authentication for Touch. This functionality is disabled by default.

Note: For more information, see the Touch with Okta Setup section of the Deltek Touch for Maconomy Installation Guide.

Enhanced Approval Workflow

Deltek Tracking: 1221991

The Approval functionality is now supported in REST, wherein the process is similar to MScript approvals with a few key differences. To make it more user-friendly, the approval items are grouped differently, and swiping lines to access approval actions is possible. For faster approvals, we have removed all approval screens which were showing list of jobs (previously these were available in line approval flows).

This functionality is enabled by default.

Note: This functionality requires Maconomy 2.5.1 (or later).

For information on how to disable this functionality, see the UseRESTforApprovals in the Deltek Touch 3.5 for Maconomy 2.5.1 Installation Guide.

For more information on the differences between the previous and new approval workflow, see the Deltek Touch 3.5 for Maconomy 2.5.1 MScript and REST Web Services Comparison Guide.

Advanced User Setting Control

Deltek Tracking: 896547

This feature enhances control for user settings on the Settings screen. You now have the option to globally select which settings you would like to make available for the users, modify the default value for the setting that is shown, and define whether the end user can edit the setting. This control is achieved through new server settings.

Note: This functionality requires Maconomy 2.5.1 (or later). When you upgrade your Maconomy version, review the values of your new server settings.

For more information, see the Server Side Configuration Settings and What’s New sections of the Deltek Touch 3.5 for Maconomy 2.5.1 Installation Guide.

In addition, the Settings screen has been updated with a new section called Timesheet that now contains the Submit Mode and Registration Unit fields as well as the Use Week Numbers and Keep on timesheet as default toggle switches, which were included in the General section in the previous version.

Note: For more information, see the Settings section of the Deltek Touch for Maconomy User Guide.

Application Performance Monitor in REST

Deltek Tracking: 1047134

Touch now supports the Application Performance Monitor (APM) in REST, which creates performance log entries. This feature allows you to monitor, and investigate network, and user interface performance.

In Maconomy 2.5, the APM functionality is enabled by default. APM creates the MaconomyMonitor.log file, which contains log in attempts and other performance activities. With Touch 3.5, the network time and the time spent for task completion are logged for Maconomy REST requests. PIN, biometrics, Maconomy login, and domain login are the only authentications supported by this functionality.

This functionality is disabled by default.

Note: For more information on how to turn on this logging, see the Appendix C: Logging Capability section of the Deltek Touch for Maconomy Installation Guide.

SSL Certificate Check Capability

Deltek Tracking: 1212688

Touch now allows you to validate SSL certificate fingerprints against predefined strings for a more secure performance. You can enable this feature with Touch 3.5 and later versions when you add the SSL certificate fingerprint for your Touch URL into the configuration.ini file on the Touch server. This functionality is disabled by default.

When you log in from the Touch URL screen, the SSL certificate check is prompted, and is verified once upon authentication in each session. Prior to certificate expiration, you can include the expired, and new SSL certificate fingerprints in the configuration.ini file on the Touch server in order for you to continually use the feature.

SIEM / Security Enhancements

Deltek Tracking: 1212811

In Maconomy 2.5.1 (or later), a new client field is added to APM to ensure the framework is SIEM-compliant. Touch sets this field on all its Maconomy requests.

New URLs for Touch Mobile

Deltek Tracking: 1219194

Tapping the link in the email message, which your administrator sends you, now directs you to a page that displays one link or two separate links, depending on your mobile operating system.
  • For iOS: When you tap the first link, it directs you to the mobile application in the Apple App Store, allowing you to download it into your device. When you tap the second link, the Touch Server URL field in the downloaded application is automatically populated.
  • For Android: When you tap the link, it either automatically populates the Touch Server URL field (if the application is already installed) or directs you to download the application from Google Play (if the application is not yet installed).

Overtime Control in Timesheets

Deltek Tracking: 11302347

In Maconomy 2.5.1 (or later), the Overtime field is available in the Timesheet screen. To support this functionality, statistics values are expanded to include Regular, Fixed, Balance, and Overtime. The overtime field and statistics are available in all time registration and approval screens. You can activate this feature when you enable the Exclude Overtime from Balance field on the employee.