Use these steps to import application responses from Pagero.
To import application responses from Pagero:
When you click
Get Application Response from Pagero, Maconomy contacts Pagero via the Pagero API to check if there are pending application responses for that company. This action creates a background task to import pending invoices from Pagero.
Under the Setup menu group, go to
Use the search filter and/or the
Search field to select a company.
Get Application Responses from Pagero.
Note: You can log in to Pagero to check if the status of the invoices were changed to
DONE (Fetched) in the Sent documents to verify that application responses have been successfully imported in Maconomy.
To view the application response for a specific invoice, go to
Use the search filter and/or the
Search field to select an invoice.
In the E-invoicing card of the Show All Invoices workspace, the
E-Invoicing Response Code field displays the status of the invoice. The additional information supporting the status code is displayed in the
E-Invoicing Response Message field.
Note: The application response XML for each e-invoice is stored in the Document Archives workspace.