
Touch App Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.8:

Support for Android 12

Deltek Tracking: 1474766

Touch has been updated to support Android 12.

Support for iOS 15

Deltek Tracking: 1474765

Touch has been updated to support the upcoming major release of the iOS mobile operating system (version 15).

Note: Apple introduced a new built-in authenticator with iOS 15, which causes some issues when using Two-Factor Authentication. For more details, see the Known Issues section in this document.

Maconomy Enhancements

The following enhancements are available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.8 and the specified Maconomy version:

Note: For more information about the Maconomy 2.5.4 enhancements, refer to the Deltek for Maconomy 2.5.4 Enhancements Guide.

Enhanced Filter and Search Performance

Deltek Tracking: 1445851

Previously, searching for jobs in Find Job screens may take several minutes if you have numerous existing jobs. In some cases, you cannot retrieve the job information at all and the session times out. The performance issue was caused by the retrieval of all fields or all job information instead of only the select fields that you require. With this release, the filter and search performances are improved on all REST Touch lookup screens.

In REST1, the Fields parameter is added to the Request URL. In the REST2 implementation, however, the Fields parameter is added to the Request Payload. These changes ensure that Touch returns only the necessary fields in each filter and foreign key search request, and less information is retrieved from Maconomy. Thus, searching for a job in the Find Job lookup screen from the Timesheet Line screen for example, is faster and more efficient.

Note: This functionality is available in REST1 when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.8 and Maconomy 2.4 (or higher), whereas for REST2, you have to upgrade to Touch 3.8 and Maconomy 2.5.4 (or higher).

Support for Load Balancing

Deltek Tracking: 1323881

Load balancing can be used to improve app performance and reliability. It is available for most cloud environments. The Touch server and the Maconomy application server have efficient load balancing, but it was previously not possible on the Maconomy web server which employed the MScript web service in Touch. This functionality enables load balancing in the Maconomy web server.

To guarantee load balancing, Touch uses the MScript web service only to log in. Once the log in is completed, the MScript session is deleted.

Note: This functionality is available when you upgrade to the Touch app version 3.8 and Maconomy 2.5.4 (or higher), and use REST for time, expenses, and approvals. For more information on the new input and output parameters added to the login operation in DeltekTouchWS.ms, see the Touch Web Service section of the Deltek Touch 3.8 for Maconomy 2.5.4 Installation Guide.