BOM Delivery Dates

The delivery date specified on a quote/sales order line depends on whether the line refers to a regular item or a BOM.

The following paragraphs describe how the delivery dates are calculated for regular items and BOMs.

You can enter the delivery date of an item in the Deliv. Date field in the table part of the Quote and Sales Orders windows. Maconomy automatically suggests the preferred delivery date specified in the card part of the window, but you can change the preferred delivery date on each sales order/quote line.

If the ordered/quoted quantity of the current item is not available in the warehouse, Maconomy automatically calculates the expected delivery date based on the time it takes to purchase and deliver the item to the warehouse, as specified for the item in the Item Information Card window in the Inventory module. If at the same time an inventory profile has been created for this particular item, the delivery date will be calculated as the date on which it is possible to deliver the item to the customer, based on the purchase quantity.

If the item on the line is a BOM which is not itemized upon creation on a sales order, the BOM is treated as described in the above (similar to regular items). If the item on the line, however, is a BOM without inventory control which is itemized upon creation on a sales order, Maconomy performs a calculation of whether or not each BOM part will be available, and then calculates the expected delivery date for each BOM part.

In connection with the creation of a sales order/quote line containing a BOM, it is possible: as for regular items: to specify a different preferred delivery date than the one suggested by Maconomy if the item on the current line is a BOM part or the item is a BOM with a top level part that has inventory control. If the BOM has inventory control and it is itemized upon creation on a sales order/quote, the item lines will be assigned the same delivery date in the Order Lines window as on the current sales order line. If the BOM does not have inventory control and it is itemized upon creation on the sales order/quote, the suggested or preferred delivery date in this field will determine Maconomy’s calculation of the preferred delivery date for each item line. These individual dates will only be displayed in the table part of the Order Lines window. The delivery date on each sales order line in the Sales Orders and Quote windows corresponds to the date on which the entire BOM can be delivered, that is, delivery date of the BOM part that can be delivered last.

For each BOM part, the delivery date corresponds to the delivery date for each subordinate BOM part, and changes to the BOM parts’ delivery dates will therefore be reflected in the Deliv. Date field on the BOM line. If none of the parts have inventory control, Maconomy uses the preferred delivery date specified on the sales order.

The delivery date for a BOM part can be changed if the item has inventory control. If the delivery date is changed to an earlier date, Maconomy will verify that the item can be delivered on the specified date. If this is not the case, the date is automatically changed to the earliest possible delivery date. However, Maconomy keeps the original delivery date (that is, the date specified before the date was changed) if the earliest possible delivery date calculated lies before the original delivery date.

The figure below shows an example of the calculation of delivery dates for a number of BOM parts (item lines) assigned to a BOM (order line). Some of the item lines in the examples are BOMs themselves.

As described above, the BOM parts with inventory control on a BOM determine the delivery date of the collective BOM. The example therefore shows that item no. 1552, 1557, 1554, and 1556 determine the delivery date. The BOM part that can be delivered last is item no. 1552 which means that the BOM item on the sales order line cannot be delivered until September 26th 1999, that is, the latest delivery date of the BOM part with inventory control. This also means that if, for example, the delivery date for the item no. 1557 is changed to a date that lies after the delivery date for each of the other parts of the BOM, the delivery date for the BOM is changed according to the new date. The is also the case, even if the sales order containing the BOM has been approved. Note, however, that if the delivery date for item no. 1559, not having inventory control, is changed to a date that lies after the other items on the item lines, it is this item that determines the delivery date. Items that are not BOMs are therefore not required to have inventory control.

Legend: IC = Inventory Control