People Planner

Defect 1646307

MyPlan Loading Slowly

MyPlan would load slowly and display a timeout error if you had a thousand or more assignments with entries in the system. This error is corrected.

Defect 1561013

Error when Importing Layout

An error would occur when you tried to import a layout to a new database or a database without any layouts. This occurred when the Allow personal version of standard layout setting was disabled in the Admin tool. This error is corrected.

Defect 1630181

Error when Reassigning Resource

In the Resource Management workspace, when using the week view, an error would occur when you tried to reassign a resource. This error is corrected.

Defect 1568627

Session Reset or Expired when Using Web Components

When you expanded the detail view in the Web Components, an error would display stating that the session has reset or expired. This would occur if you used the dot format for the time separator, which is the default format when using Finnish or Norwegian as the browser language. This error is corrected.

Defect 1530591

Column Changes Not Saved in Detail Grid View when Saving Perspective

If you added or removed a column in the detail grid on any Web Component, then saved the perspective, the changes were not reflected when you reopened the saved perspective. The default columns would be loaded instead. This error is corrected.

Defect 1344253

Unable to Scroll to View other Columns

In a layout grid that has more columns than the main grid, when you expanded the detail assignment grid, you could not scroll to view the other columns. This error is corrected.

Defect 1579289

Unable to Delete User

Previously, you could not delete a user if they had an existing record in the BookingView table. This record is automatically created when a user opens MyPlan. This error is corrected.

Defect 1499824

Error when Importing Projects via People Planner API

An error would display if you simultaneously sent several projects to People Planner. This occurred if you sent a request to the API that does not exist yet in People Planner. This error is corrected.

Defect 1626988

Amount Line Account Error

When updating a table, the amount line accounts were not included. This error is corrected.

Defect 1614715

No Week Numbers Displayed

If you were using the yyyy-MM-dd short date format in the Web Components, the week numbers were not displayed. This error is corrected.

Defect 1681106

Incorrect Start of Period Day

The Period columns related to the current period started on the incorrect day, resulting in an inaccurate calculation of under/overspent hours. This error is corrected. Period columns now start from the previous estimate date plus one day.

Defect 1632699

Unable to Add Multiple Email Addresses to Notifications

In the Admin Tool, when you attempted to enter multiple emails in the Email address that are notified of scheduled task results setting, an error would display stating the email addreses were invalid. This error is corrected.

Defect 1561603

Actuals Import Error

A cache error would occur when importing Actuals from Maconomy via REST. This error is corrected.

Defect 1639368

Assignment Filter Result Error

In the Resource Overview, when you filter assignments to view only those booked in the visible period, the system did not hide assignments that did not meet this criteria. It would only hide the bookings under the assignment. This error is corrected.

Defect 1535518

Error when Actuals Imported on Amount Event

By error, actuals from amount events were included when importing actuals from Maconomy. This error occurred when there were time registrations on amount lines. This error is corrected. The system now excludes actuals from amount events from the import.

Defect 1693891

Exclude Subprojects from Under/Overspend

When you use the Under/Overspend action to reallocate hours or amounts to the current period, the system would include subprojects in the reallocation. This error is corrected.