Budget Groups

It is often useful to combine budget models into a budget group.

A budget group consists of a number of budget models, for example, an anchor budget and several forecast budgets as in the example below.

The need for creating parallel budgets is a good reason to create a number of budget groups that function independently of each other. You can create an unlimited number of budget groups in Maconomy and attach an infinite number of budget models to them. Furthermore, a budget model can be attached to an unlimited number of budget groups.

If a number of budget models are attached to a given budget group, all members of a budget group are updated on the fly. That means that if you create budget entries in one budget model within the group, corresponding entries are automatically or manually created in the other budget models in the budget group. This makes it easier to maintain associated budgets, such as the anchor and the forecast budgets of a company as displayed in the figure above.