Task Lists Concepts

You can assign a task list to one or more jobs.

This functionality is typically relevant if you work with several standard workflows, each consisting of several tasks. By using task lists, you can specify which workflow is to be used on a given job. For each job entry, you can specify which task is being performed on the job. This also enables you to report on the tasks that are performed on each job.

You assign the task list to each job individually. If you specify a task list, all entries and budget lines related to a given job require that you assign a task from the list from the job in question. You can block tasks that should no longer be used, and you can limit the access to using tasks in the task lists using Maconomy's access control system.

You can assign a task list to more than one job, in which case, it is called a shared task list and is maintained in this workspace. You can also make a task list specific to a single job; in which case, it is called a job-specific (or job-private) task list and is typically created on the job in question.

You can copy an existing task list and use it as a template for a new task list.

All users with access to this workspace can create and edit tasks. However, if you set the task up to derive an amount or time activity, you must have permission to change amount and time activities, respectively, as defined on the Actions tab of the Users workspace. If you have permission to create and edit tasks that derive time and amount activities, the new or edited task might require the approval of another user in the Approve Tasks workspace.