General Application

Defect 1077993

CSS Attributes in ISON Configurations Deprecated

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

In the web client, the "css" attribute used when specifying masks for calendars (in the Time Sheets and Absence Management workspaces, for example) is now replaced with a "color" attribute.

Defect 1334114

Data Changed Error in Time Sheets Triggered by Reinstating a Container Instance for TimeRegistration

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

If users working in the Weekly and Daily Time Sheets workspaces left the web page idle for 10 minutes, the web client displayed the "Data was changed by another user" error message. This is now corrected.

Defect 1337743

Poor Performance When Opening Job Info Bubbles

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Users encountered poor performance when opening info bubbles in the Jobs workspace of the web client. This is now corrected.

Defect 1502680

Create Subcustomer Wizard Took up Too Much Space

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

The layout for the web client wizard used to create subcustomers is now updated to a more compact version.

Defect 1503757

Inconsistent Workspace Layouts

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

Various web client wizard layouts are now updated for a more uniform look.

Defect 1574740

Error Message for Failed File Uploads

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

When a file upload failed in the web client, the error message displayed did not include the reason for the problem. The message is now improved.

Defect 1611020

"Use '@' to add a participant to the conversation" Not Translated

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

The text "Use '@' to add a participant to the conversation" found in the input area of message panes in web client workspaces was not translated into different languages in Maconomy. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1625075

Employee Searches in Conversations Did Not Work When Names Contained Special Characters

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

A new dom sanitizer has been introduced. This prevents special characters, such as those with umlauts, from being converted into HTML entities. This fixes an issue with employee searches within conversations in the web client.

Defect 1651494

Workspaces Stuck in "Loading..." When Using URL Navigation

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

When users navigated to some web client workspaces using the browser's Back or Forward buttons, the target workspace did not always load properly. This error is now fixed.

Defect 1651514

Extra Items in Browser History Caused by Navigating to Some Workspaces

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

When users opened certain workspaces in the web client, the browser's address bar was updated to reflect the record shown in the workspace. This resulted in the creation of two browser history entries (instead of one), which in turn made navigating using the browser's Back button more cumbersome. This issue is now fixed.

Defect 758386

Incorrect VAT Calculation for Job Charges

When you approved job invoice selection with charges (T&M or on account), Maconomy would calculate tax for the charges even if tax was disabled on the job. This error is corrected.

Defect 869156

Entries Line in Entry Tab Disappears

When previously opening an invoice selection line and expanding it, the Entries tab line in Jobs » Invoicing » Invoice Selection disappeared if the system parameter 'Keep delimitation when changing invoice selection' was enabled. This error is corrected.

Defect 885234

Number of Invoices on Subjobs

Prior to this release, if you printed an invoice on a main job, the No. of Invoices field on jobs was incremented on subjobs even though they had no entries selected for invoicing. This error is corrected. The field is no longer incremented for subjobs without entries selected for invoicing.

Defect 889425

Apply Surcharge on Jobs Blocked for Time and Amount Registrations

When a job is blocked for time and amount registrations, it was not possible to apply surcharge upon invoicing. This is changed so that you can now apply surcharge upon invoicing, unless the job is blocked for invoicing.

Defect 991852

Reverted Job Invoice Allocation

If you revert a job invoice allocation, then revert it again, twice the allocated amount is set for being reopened on account.

Defect 1023745

Currency Conversion in WIP Evaluation

If you approved a revenue adjustment for evaluation of work in progress with the Date, New WIP set to any date other than the current date, the revenue adjustment entry would nevertheless have amounts in base and enterprise currency based on the exchange rate on the current date. This is relevant if the currency of the job differs from the base or enterprise currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1192776

Disabled Actions in Copied Job

When you copied an unsubmitted job in which you have used the Revert action in the Job Invoice Allocation window, the Delimit, Balance, and Close All actions were disabled on the new job. This error is corrected.

Defect 1224467

Duplicate Field Names in Job Budgets Table API

The Job Budgets Table API single dialog workspace previously had duplicate field names that caused errors. This is corrected. The following fields are updated:
  • Net Cost, Base is now renamed to Net Cost Per Day, Base
  • Net Cost Per Day, Base

    is now renamed to Cost Per Day, Enterprise

Defect 1229476

Cannot Copy Template Job

You could not copy a template job if it had a customer, even after it was deleted from the job. This error is corrected.

Defect 1276494

Reallocation of Surcharge

In general, job entries created for job surcharge cannot be reallocated directly. Instead, if you reallocate a job entry any associated surcharge entries are reallocated along with the entry itself. However, in Invoice Selection and Itemize Invoice Selection, it was possible to select a job entry for reallocation. This error is corrected.

Defect 1382108

Invoice on Account Error in Blanket Invoicing

You could not change the amount for invoicing on account in the Blanket Invoicing single dialog workspace. This occurred on jobs that were set up to require an activity for invoicing on account. This error is corrected. You can now change the amount, and Maconomy now uses the first of the two default tasks or activities for invoicing on account.

Defect 1392434

Job Overview API Fields

Previously, several fields that were available in the Job Overview single dialog workspace were not present in the API. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1420375

Surcharge at Invoicing

By error, surcharge at invoicing could be added to on account invoice selection entries with opening balance import. This error is corrected.

Defect 1476117

Prevention of Data Conversion Prior to Version 2.1 SP 0

Because of the Unicode conversion introduced in version 2.1 SP0, it is not possible to upgrade directly from any version before that version to any later version. Any such upgrade should happen in two steps where you first upgrade to 2.1 SP0 and then from that version to the desired version.

Obsolete database fields are removed, and the obsolete database table EventLine is removed.

Defect 1502766

Job Reallocation Does Not Recalculate Billing Price

Job reallocation of a job entry from a time sheet with a reference to a purchase order for a subcontractor by error did not recalculate the billing price if the Update Prices on Time Registrations upon Job Reallocation system parameter was enabled. This error is corrected.

Defect 1518756

Missing Badge Counter for Draft Invoice Workspaces

The Document tab for various draft invoice workspaces in the web client were missing the badge counter. This has been added.

Defect 1523970

System Error During Job Transfer

A system error displayed when posting a job transfer journal for a job with capitalization at cost. This error is corrected.

Defect 1524027

Recalculate Periodic Budget Error

If the Allow Approximate Unit Price In Job Budgets system parameter was enabled, you could run into an error if you did a recalculation of the periodic job budget. This error is corrected.

Defect 1524030

Access to Import Resource Allocations Removed

You no longer need to have access to see cost prices for time in job budgets in order to import resource allocations from People Planner.

Defect 1524650

Out of Memory Error When Converting Database

If you convert a database with a large amount of open jobs with subjobs, the data conversion script could run out of memory and an error would occur. This error is corrected.

Defect 1530790

Error When Reopening Planning Budget

When the Calculate Progress at Job Closure system parameter is enabled, you could get an error message stating "Unique constraint UQGROUPBUDGETJOBREVENUERECOGNI violated" when you reopened a planning budget on a job which has been reopened after having been closed, and where the planning budget was approved when the job was closed. This error is corrected.

Defect 1531227

Invoice on Account Line Dimension Derivation

When you created lines in on account invoice selection, dimensions were not derived from the selected task. This error is corrected.

Defect 1534641

Non-Invoiceable Budget Line

In the Invoice Preparation single dialog workspace, when you prepare an invoice from a budget that contains a non-invoiceable line, and the Group Budget Lines field is selected, an error stating the activity is not invoiceable would display. This error is corrected.

Defect 1544299

Incorrect Values in Printed Employee Report

A printed employee report would display the incorrect GM and GM% values for activities of the Summary type. This error is corrected.

Defect 1550586

Missing Translation in Web Client Interface

The word "By" used in several areas of the web client's UI was not translated to other languages. This error is corrected.

Defect 1562832

Incorrect Transaction Number in Direct Invoicing

When direct invoicing was prepared for several jobs and they were blanket invoiced together, some of the job entries for direct invoicing had the wrong transaction number. This error is corrected.

Defect 1567180

Rounding Entry Error

When the Margin for internal on account tax reconciliation system parameter is enabled, Maconomy can create internal on account reconciliation entries, marked as rounding entries, in order to reconcile invoices on account which would otherwise be left open with no open amount and a small open tax amount. An error occurred in which the Approved Reconciliation Tax, Currency field on invoices on account was not updated with the contribution from these rounding entries when creating a draft. The visible impact of this is that the value in the field can be non-zero even when the job has no draft invoices. This error is correct.

Defect 1571478

Incorrect Standard Billing Price in Job Budgets Card API

The Standard Billing Price, Currency field in the Job Budgets Card API single dialog workspace, which is not included in the standard layout, incorrectly displayed the sum of the unit billing prices instead of the sum of the total billing prices of the lines on the selected job budget. This error is corrected.

Defect 1582986

Missing Index in Data Conversion

An index is added to improve the performance of the "JobBudgetLinePeriodSum" data conversion step for version 2.5.

Defect 1591954

Markup and Billing Price Not Updated in Job Reallocation

The markup and billing price were not recalculated during job reallocation to the same job and another task. This error occurred when a purchase order was specified on the original job entry. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1592289

Incorrect Billing Price Unit

When you initiated a progress evaluation on a job, then modified the budget in the Job Budget single dialog workspace, this could lead to an error where the value for the billing price unit was incorrect, or became a negative value. This error is corrected.

Defect 1592647

Unable to Change Employee Category

You could not change the employee category on an employee if an unsubmitted time sheet line with a job blocked for registration existed. This error is corrected.

Defect 1594439

Invoice Preparation Error

When you prepared an invoicing on account of job budget in Invoice Preparation, any existing work breakdown structure in the job budget was not added to the invoice. This error is corrected.

Defect 1596132

Optimized Update Employees Action

The Update Employees action in Employee Overhead Maintenance is optimized by removing a number of redundant database operations and adding an index to employee revisions.

Defect 1597099

Currency Evaluation Report Error for Jobs with Revenue Recognition

When a job with revenue recognition was closed, a balancing revenue recognition job entry may be created, registering only a base currency amount (job currency amount is zero). This entry was by error not included in the currency evaluation and resulted in a balance being shown for the job. This error is corrected.

Defect 1602292

Displayed Jobs in Currency Evaluation Report

The currency evaluation report no longer superfluously shows jobs that were closed on statement date and were never reopened. The report still shows jobs that have a balance of zero, but the job is not closed or closed after statement date.

Defect 1607756

Warning Regarding Missing Budget Lines at Progress Evaluation

A warning message could appear during progress evaluation about missing job budget lines when the Create Budget Lines for Unbudgetted Tasks check box was deselected. In some occurrences, no lines were created if you performed progress evaluation when this check box was selected.

This occurred on jobs with revenue adjustment entries, such as from an evaluation of work-in-progress or revenue recognition by completion percentage. This error is corrected.

Defect 1611072

Empty Table in Blanket Drafts in the Web Client

The data binding was incorrect for the Foundation tabs in the Invoice Editing part of the web client workspaces, which resulted in an empty table when the draft was a blanket draft. This error is corrected.

Defect 1611559

Posting Invoice Journal Error

Posting of invoice journals could fail with a system error if you created job invoices from jobs with multiple T&M drafts that have on account reduction. This error is corrected.

Defect 1613078

Blocked Fields in API

The API for Approve Job Registrations, Job Progress, and Quote Editing is modified. You can no longer deselect the following fields:
  • Blocked For Time Registrations
  • Blocked For Amount Registrations
  • Blocked For Invoicing

Defect 1613586

Incorrect Update of Billing Price

On jobs with the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC parameter enabled, the billing price on a budget line could be incorrectly updated by Maconomy when you change the cost price on the line. This error is corrected.

Defect 1616584

Optimized Job Reallocation

Job reallocation is optimized by replacing a query on job invoice lines with a query that counts those lines.

Defect 1618651

Error Message when Copying Job

If the Block New Jobs for Reg. and Inv. system parameter is enabled and the Allow Users to Manually Unblock Jobs for Reg. and Inv. system parameter is disabled, an error could display stating that "It is not allowed to manually unblock job for registrations and invoicing" when copying a job. The error message should not apply when copying a job. This error is corrected.

Defect 1631033

Job Budget Time Details System Error

When you previously opened the Job Budget Time Details single dialog for a closed job, a system error occurred. This happened if the budget matrix resources existed but the corresponding budget time detail line did not exist. This line is created when opening the dialog. This error usually occurred when the dialog was used in the integration between PeoplePlanner and Maconomy. This error is corrected. These kinds of lines are no longer created if the job is closed.

Defect 1632978

Error due to Quantity Change in Job Budget Lines

Changes to the quantity on lines in job budgets could lead to a server crash when the total quantity for all the lines with time activities was sufficiently close to zero.

Reallocated Job Error

Defect 1633509

If you reallocate a job entry to another job, it should contribute to actual time or cost when you perform job reallocation on that other job. However, this did not happen if the reallocated job entry was the result of a job transfer. This error is corrected.

Defect 1634332

Derive Overhead Information Automatically

When you change the Overhead Maintenance field on an employee or employee revision from Employee Specific to Batch Update, Maconomy now applies the rules (Employee Overhead Specifications) set up in Employee Overhead Maintenance to automatically update the overhead cost on the employee and employee revisions. The effect on the employee is the same as if you use the Update Employees action in Employee Overhead Maintenance on all the open rules that have been applied (in the sense that someone has used the Update Employees action) and to which you have access, chronologically by the Effective From date.

Defect 1642350

Improved System Messages

System messages are now improved to use neutral terms instead of gender-based terms.

Defect 1677940

Duplicate Field Names in Split Billing

There were several duplicate field names in Jobs » Jobs » Invoicing » Split Billing » Bill To Customer Distribution. These are now removed so that there is only one field each with the following names:
  • Customer Name
  • Address (line 2)
  • Address (line 3)
  • Zip Code
  • Postal District
  • Address (line 4)
  • Address (line 5)
  • Attn.
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Telex
  • E-mail
  • Job Specific Address

Defect 1673305

Incorrect Exchange Rate Comparison

The Margin for job exchange rate variance, % system parameter by error did not take differing reference currency into consideration when comparing the job exchange rate table to the miscellaneous exchange rate table. This error is corrected.

Defect 1163904

Incorrect Cost Price Fields Displayed in Job Budgets Table API

In the Job Budgets Table API single dialog workspace, several cost price fields were available by error. This error is corrected. The single dialog workspace is updated to use the correct (existing) fields that displays cost prices for end users.

Defect 1679201

Upgrade Installation Error

If you upgraded to version 20 p104 or later from a Maconomy installation that has been on version 19 p104 or later, but never at any earlier version than 19 p104, the upgrade would fail with a uniqueness violation on UQJOBPARAMETERATTRIBUTE in the data conversion step DataConversion190000000bMod.SurchargeMainJobInvAttributes. This error is corrected.

Defect 1639276

Error when adding Cost, Base in Budget Line

When the adjustment % in Job Prices for time activities was not zero, an error occurred when entering a value in the Cost, Base field for budget lines of non-invoiceable time activities without an employee specified. Markup % is now set to -100% for non-invoiceable time activities.

Defect 1565530

Invoice History Email Fails

Previously, sending an email from the Invoice History tab would fail when both Sender and ShowMessageInFormat parameters were defined. The Sender parameter is now removed from the layout to prevent this error from occurring.

Defect 1550189

Internal Job Entry Original Cost Field Displays Unit Price

Previously, internal job entries in CSER displayed unit price as original cost. This error is corrected to reflect the total price instead.