Subscriptions Concepts
The Subscriptions workspace contains general information about the subscription. The card contains information relevant to the invoicing method and the table displays the issues that are included in the subscription if relevant. This list is equivalent to a publication list for the current subscription. The list is sorted by publishing date, with the oldest issue listed first.
The delivery period that you enter on the customer's subscription order in the Subscription Order Lines card in the Subscription Orders workspace determines the issues that a customer receives.
If you do not enter a publishing date for an issue, Maconomy sees the issue as a standard issue that is delivered to all subscribers. If you have a starter's package, for example, you can use this option for a folder for periodicals that are to be sent to all subscribers of a specific subscription.
You can change the information in the Subscription Order Lines table in the Subscription Orders workspace. The information about each issue originates from Subscriptions workspace and is transferred to each subscription order line when you click Update Orders. Maconomy transfers only those issues within the specified subscription period.