System Admin

Defect 1717935

Danish Dictionary Update for "Line"

In the Danish dictionary, the translation of all strings containing "line" is updated to "linje."

Defect 1724809

German Translation of "Note"

In German translations, "Note" and derived words such as "Note Type" and "Note Line" are now consistently translated to "Notiz."

Defect 1630344

Obsolete Options Removed

The following options should not be used by MConfig anymore, since they have been removed:

  • UTF8check
  • FCD
  • DefaultSimpleSearchTab

Defect 1343510

Missing Progress Bar when Changing Passwords in WSC

When changing a user's password, the process of checking for previously used passwords can take up to 7-8 seconds if all of the saved password digests are using one of the new secure digest algorithms.

A progress bar was shown in the Workspace Client if the operation was performed directly from the Change Password workspace, but not if it was done through any of the built-in flows, such as changing an expired passwords during login, after a password reset, or when the Change Password action was invoked from the client menu.

The progress bar is now shown in all the built-in change password flows in the Workspace Client.

Defect 1731020

BPM Statutory Reports: Issues with Linux Folder Structure Previously, Maconomy systems (2.5.2 and later) installed in Linux gave a "Could not find a file with name: error" when trying to access the UK Tax Submissions and Statutory Reporting workspaces. This is because folder names in Linux are case-sensitive. This error is corrected.

rikekrikkThis bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.

Defect 1696567

APM: Error When Formatting Log Entries

When the Application Performance Monitor (APM) framework logs values associated with a container request, the enumeration values might be missing. At the same time, an error is logged with stack trace to the Coupling Service log file stating "Error in custom popup value provider: (...)". This issue has now been corrected.

Defect 1726723

Encoding Errors in Email

Emails sent with the Maconomy Coupling Service email API, such as EmailOnAction or the one-time access tokens sent by Forgot My Password and Maconomy 2FA enrollment, were generated using the platform's default character set. Emails containing localized content in an incompatible character set would result in missing characters in the received emails, typically rendered as either empty squares or question marks.

Emails are now by default encoded in the UTF-8 character set, which can support all localized content. This character set can be configured on the Coupling Service with the 'email.charset' setting in 'server.ini'.

Defect 1814068

Extension Framework: InstanceKey Utility Assumes Presence of Instance-Key Sequence

Previously, extension programmers making use of the utility newInstanceKeyOracle could experience that the utility function crashes because of a missing sequence in oracle.

The instance-key method has now been aligned with more recent behavior in the MaconomyServer, thereby no longer depending on the presence of the sequence.

Defect 1739351

Localization: Print A/P Aging Report Missed Term

In running the Print A/P Aging Report, one term, "TOTAL FOR ABOVE VENDORS IN," was not localized to the current language.

That error has been fixed.

Defect 1546508

Order of Entries in UpdateLog Might Not Always Be Accurate

There was a bug that sometimes caused a mismatch between the ID of the entry in the UpdateLog and the timestamp. Entries with a higher ID could have an older timestamp compared to previous entries. This bug has been fixed.

Defect 1591217

Delete Temporary Files Named RPC<random>_doc.tmp

Previously, using the web client resulted in hundreds or even thousands of files with pattern RPC<random>_doc.tmp and/or SQL<random>.bin being generated and left in maconomy\Tmp folder. This has been corrected, such that these files are deleted as soon as they are not needed anymore.

Defect 1728129

MaconomyServer: UI Shortname-Specific Installation Lines

During installation of a new shortname in a Maconomy installation, the Installation Lines for existing shortnames were updated to include the company name of the new shortname.

Information about the company name of each shortname should only be present in the Installation Lines of the shortname itself, not on other shortnames on the same installation.

This issue has now been addressed. Installation lines of existing shortnames can be amended by running the MaconomyServer command '-UI' (Update Installation Information) for each affected shortname.

Defect 1719564

MaconomyServer and Tools Backward Compatible with 2.4

Previously the IndexHandler would crash when doing an upgrade from [2.4.3 - 2.4.7] to 2.6.

This meant that upgrades must be done in two steps: [2.4.3 - 2.4.7] to 2.5.2 and 2.5.2 to 2.6. This bug been fixed and a upgrade from 2.4.x to 2.6 can now be done directly.

Defect 1763651

MScript Mail Package Generates Double "To" Headers

The emails generated by the standard MScript mail package (mscript::mail(3)) would contain multiple recipient headers of each type, if there more than one recipient in either the To, Cc, or Bcc recipient list. This was not in accordance with RFC 5322 (Internet Message Format) which requires only one header of each type, containing a comma-separated recipient list. Some mail relays such as SendGrid, will reject to relay such mails with a generic invalid header error message.

The mail package is updated to adhere to RFC 5322 when writing recipient headers.

Defect 1749434

Performance View Missing After Installing Service Pack

Previously, after installing a service pack, the performance view ACCOUNTPV could be missing on SQL server databases.

Defect 1705124

MConfig Crash with Maconomy Server Nodes

When MConfig 9.9 tried to access Maconomy Server Nodes created with earlier versions of MConfig, an error occurred. When any Node error occurred, MConfig crashed instead of showing the error message. This error is corrected.

(Reported as Known Issues in 2.6)

Defect 1705714

MConfig Looking for Wrong File

When installing an APU, MConfig would in some cases look for the specification for standard indexes and constraints in the wrong location. To correct this issue, validation is now provided through check of a file specific to the OS being used.

Defect 1705885

Increased Default Max URL Length in MConfig-Generated IIS Configuration In certain extension scenarios, the web client would fail when requests exceeded the maximum URL length. This was due to an unnecessarily strict policy on maximum URL lengths in the IIS web server. To resolve this issue, we have added maxUrlLength to the MConfig file.