Compensation Agreements Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the table of the Compensation Agreements tab in the Employees workspace.

Selection Criteria Panel

Field Description
Compensation Category In this field, you can select a compensation category. The table part will only show compensation agreements belonging in the selected category, and when creating lines, this category is suggested in the Category field. Compensation categories are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Compensation Type No. In this field, you can specify a range of compensation type numbers. The table part will only show compensation agreements pertaining to types within the specified range.
Company No. In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. The table part will only show compensation agreements pertaining to companies within the specified range.
Period In this field, you can specify a range of dates. The table part will only show compensation agreements whose period covers at least one date within the specified range.

Compensation Card

Field Description
Compensation Model This field shows the compensation model type.
Agreements Revision Date This field shows the agreements revision date.

Employees Table

Field Description
Compensation Type No. When creating an agreement line, enter in this field the number of a compensation type created in the header of the window Compensation Types. The compensation type contains template information which will be transferred to the fields on the current line. Furthermore, if there are subordinate compensation types assigned to the compensation type specified here, Maconomy automatically creates a line for each subordinate compensation type. On these lines, the Parent Agreement field will automatically contain a reference to the line which you created.
Once one or more compensation agreement types with subordinate compensation types has been specified in the table part, you can add any number of additional agreements where you specify a subordinate type. Doing so will cause Maconomy to automatically assign the new line to the line with the relevant main compensation type, so that the value of the new line can be calculated on the basis of the value of the line with the main compensation type. Note that on subordinate lines, the date range specified in the fields Starting Date and Ending Date must be within the range specified for the line with the main compensation type to which the subordinate lines are assigned. For further information on setting up compensation types, see the description of the Compensation Types workspace.
Compensation Type Name This field shows the name of the compensation type specified on the line.
Agreement No. This field shows the agreement number of the current agreement line. When you create a compensation agreement line, a number is automatically retrieved from the Compensation Agreement Series in the window Number Series in the Set-Up module.
Starting Date

In this field, you can specify the date from which the current compensation agreement is effective. Together, this field and the Ending Date field on the line compose the period in which the agreement applies. Based on the length of this period and the time unit specified in the Time Unit field on the line, Maconomy will calculate the number of time units covered by this period, and insert this number into the Number of Time Units field, which is automatically updated if you subsequently change the period or the time unit. For further information about the effects of the number of time units, see the description of the Number of Time Units field.

Maconomy suggests the starting date entered on the compensation type specified in the Compensation Type No. field on the line. This default starting date is specified in the Compensation Types workspace. Note that no two lines with the same compensation type can have the same starting date.

Ending Date

In this field, you can specify the last date on which the current compensation agreement applies. For information on the functionality of the field, see the description of the Starting Date field.

Maconomy suggests the default ending date specified for the compensation type specified in the Compensation Type No. field on the line. This default ending date is specified in the Compensation Types workspace.

Details Panel

Field Description
Document Name This field displays the document name.
Document Size This field displays the document file size.
Locked This field shows if the document has been locked.
Locked by This field shows the name of the person who locked the document.

Header Actions

Button Description
+ Attach Document Click this action to attach a document.
Click this action to refresh data in the current workspace.

Click this action to display the list view.

Click this action to display the detailed view.

+ Click this action to add a compensation agreement line.
Click this icon to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this icon to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.
Click this icon to maximize the table view.
Click this icon to open the Customize Columns dialog box.