Technical Considerations

Changes in Settings

If you only update the app on your mobile device, there are no changes to your Settings.

However, if your company also updated Maconomy to version 2.5.1 (or later), when you use the app for the first time (after the Maconomy upgrade), some of your settings are reset to the default values. You can manually restore your settings, and these will be retained.

The System Administrator should pay special attention to the Touch settings when upgrading to Maconomy 2.5.1 (or later). There is a considerable number of new server settings in DeltekTouch.I, which are added to improve control over the settings users see in the app. In addition, some server settings are removed, or replaced by new settings.

As part of the Maconomy upgrade process, ensure that all the server settings (in DeltekTouch.I) have the desired values. These server settings will be pushed to all users when they connect to the updated Maconomy version for the first time. Once users start changing the Settings screen, it might not be possible to push, and set new values in DeltekTouch.I.

Note: For more information, see the Advanced User Setting Control enhancement.

Changes in Approvals

If you only update the app on your mobile device, there are no changes to Approvals in the app.

However, if your company also updated Maconomy to version 2.5.1 (or later), the approval workflow changes.

Note: For more information, see the Enhanced Approval Workflow enhancement.

Overtime Control

If you have Touch extensions with overtime on timesheets, update your extensions to take into account the OvertimeType field as part of the standard timesheet layouts when the Exclude Overtime from Balance field is enabled on the employee. This functionality requires Maconomy 2.5.1 (or later).

Note: For more information, see the Overtime Control in Timesheets enhancement.

MScript Touch

If you only update the app on your mobile device, there are no changes in the app.

If you upgrade to Maconomy 2.5.1, Deltek recommends you use REST for all functionalities in Touch. If for some reason you would like to use MScript Touch, you will need to install Maconomy 2.5.1 C.U. 1, otherwise MScript Touch will become unresponsive after 5 minutes of inactivity.