
Defect 1772565

People Planner Actions Not Recalculated

Previously, the visibility of People Planner actions was not recalculated when you change the system parameter. This error is corrected.

Defect 1858658

People Planner Action Alignment Between Workspace and Web Clients

Previously, certain People Planner actions were not aligned between the Workspace Client and Web Client. This error is corrected.

Defect 1905553

Unable to Attach Document to Draft Invoice to Job

Previously, users who did not have access to the company on a job could not attach a document to a draft invoice on that job. This error is corrected for jobs with customized access to document archives.

Defect 1908542

CompensationModelName and AgreementRevisionDate Missing in Contact Persons Filter

Previously, the CompensationModelName and AgreementRevisionDate fields were removed from the Contact Persons filter by mistake. These fields are now reintroduced.

Defect 1921975

Email Alerts Notification Type Import Error

Previously, it was not possible to import Email Alert Notification Types due to the closed field DeprecatedNotificationClientType being required. This error is corrected and the DeprecatedNotificationClientType field is no longer required.

Defect 1947676

Fifo Posting Error

Item journals generated when transferring fifo items between inventories previously displayed a posting error. This error is corrected.

Defect 1585684

New Key Generator for Schedule Rule

A new key generator PendingEmployeeChanges is introduced for the schedule rule SyncEmployeesWithRevisions for better performance. The key generator is only updated automatically if default setup is used, otherwise you need to change the schedule rule manually or generate a new version.

Defect 1754251

Fields Are Not Importing in Company Information

Previously, some fields were not importing in the Company information. This error is corrected, and the following fields can now be imported with the import programs, Import Company Customers, Import Customers, and Import Company Information:
  • Enable E-Invoicing
  • Electronic Address
  • Electronic Address Scheme
  • Job Cost Invoice Peppol Mapping
  • Job Cost Credit Memo Mapping
  • Order Invoice Peppol Mapping
  • Order Credit Memo Mapping