Job Entries

You can adjust the overtime charge percentage for time registration or amount activities on a job entry. This can also be adjusted on overhead rates.

The rates for base salary and overhead can be specified in job-specific price lists, general cost prices, employee records, or employee categories. Once these rates are defined, the feature is available on job entries.

Use the Overtime Charge %, Base Salary field to adjust overtime charges for time and amount activities. The New Charge %, Base Salary field can also be utilized for adjustments. Values in these fields affect the base salary rate, which is then added to the total cost on a job entry.

Similarly, the New Charge %, Overhead and Overtime Charge %, Overhead fields are used for adjustments on overhead rates.

This is helpful when, for example, you need to register unpaid overtime on a job entry that should have zero cost. When you enter -100 on both the Overtime Charge %, Overhead and Overtime Charge %, Base Salary fields, the system uses these fields to take into consideration both the base salary and overhead rates on the job, then calculate this as zero cost on the line. Note that this works with any value, except zero, which is already used to identify fields that must remain untouched during calculations or adjustments.