
Defect 1365602

Approval Hierarchies Error During Approval of Daily Time Sheet

If approval hierarchies is turned on for time sheets, and if daily time sheets are submitted and approved for the week, then approval of the last daily time sheet provokes the error, "The fixed working time of the employee cannot be updated, as an approved daily time sheet exists." This error is corrected, and daily time sheets may now be approved while approval hierarchies is turned on for time sheets.

Defect 1420914

Cut Off Date on Self Invoice Error

Previously, the cutoff date on self-invoice did not separate the job entries. This error is corrected, and all relevant job entries before and after the cutoff date are now included in the self-invoice.

Defect 1446680

Posting Error for Intercompany Invoice

Previously, posting an intercompany invoicing with different sign for the total amount in the responsible and the executing company would give a posting error. This error is corrected.

Defect 1465086

Incorrect Check Posted Balance Error

Previously, when posting a vendor payment of a credit memo with withholding tax, the system would incorrectly display a Check Posted Balance error preventing the payment from being posted. This error is corrected.

Defect 1494382

Currency Re-Evaluation Debtor Provision Issue

Previously, it was possible to calculate the unrealized exchange rate variance for debtor provisions when the unrealized exchange rate variance for AR entries was calculated, so that the expected gain/loss for the invoice (open amount including the provision and unrealized exchange rate variance) reflected the correct value.

This error is corrected, and a new company-specific system parameter called Unrealized Exchange Rate Variances For Debtor Provisions is added. If this system parameter is set, debtor provisions are included in the currency re-evaluation. The currency re-evaluation is based on the provision amount in the original currency, so the system parameter will only have an effect if the system parameterDebtor Provisions Based On Original Currency is marked and the general currency re-evaluation is based on the original currency.

Defect 1507756

Incorrect Calculated Accrual in Finance Entries

Previously, accruals on job invoices did not take account if the approval type used pro rata distribution for the accrual period. This error is corrected.

Defect 1520393

Allow Purchasing Limitation Not Working Correctly

Previously, even if activities and tasks were not allowed for purchases, you were able to use activities and tasks on purchase orders, requisitions, "Request for quotes", and vendor invoices. This error is corrected.

Defect 1578986

Purchase Order Requisitioner Field Restricted Access

Previously, adding "Requisitioner employee name" to the filter for purchase orders would cause purchase orders to disappear if the user did not have access to the employee information of the requisitioner. This error is corrected.

Defect 1759907

Debtor Provision Displayed in Customer Currency

Previously, when making debtor provision on invoices, the values in the Open Amount and the Adjusted Amount columns were always displayed in the customer's currency instead of the original currency. This error is corrected, and the debtor provisions can now either be based on the customer's currency or the original currency. The functionality will depend on the system parameter called, "Debtor Provisions based on Original Currency".

Defect 1763029

Print Layouts Deleted without Validation

Maconomy remembers the selected Print Layout in the Reminder workspace and in the Interest workspace for convenience. If the setup of these layouts is altered, Maconomy now forgets the selected layout and require the user to reselect. Issues from before this fix can now be corrected by altering one of the Print Layouts for "Approve Interest Selection" or "Approve Reminders". For example, change one External Layout Name and then change it back.

Defect 1763685

Subledger Entry No. Column Missing on Finance Entries for Accrued VAT

Finance entries have a link to the related customer entry or vendor entry. This could be used for tractability. The subledger entry number is a reference to the line number on the related customer or vendor entry. The Entry No. column was missing on finance entries for accrued VAT. This error is corrected.

Defect 1814911

Quantities Not Transferred to the Finance Entry

Previously, it was possible to enter Quantity A and B on a general journal line, a vendor invoice line, a time sheet line, and an expense sheet line, but the entered value did not transfer to the related finance entries at the time of posting. This error is corrected, and Quantity A and B can now be transferred to the finance entry.

Defect 1838691

Number of Payments Included Zero-Payments

Previously, the number of payments on the payment header included zero-payment even in the case where zero-payments are excluded from the file. This error is corrected so that zero-payments are excluded from the total number of payments.

Defect 1897132

Intercompany Job Posting Error

There was previously a posting error when posting overhead from a time sheet on a job where the Company Base Currency was different from Enterprise Currency, and where the job had a fixed Exchange Rate to Enterprise Currency. The issue only occurred if the time registration was made by an employee where the Company Base Currency was the same as Enterprise Currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1905535

Period Figures Not Updated When Posting Accrual Entries

Previously, there was an issue with job journal posting in which fiscal periods for accrual accounts were not properly updated. The error could occur if the system parameter "Join Accrual Finance Entries" was marked and there were multiple lines on the job journal that had been accrued with the same posting information (entry date, company, job, and finance dimensions). This error is corrected.

Defect 1909576

Missing Finance Entries When Posting Intercompany Job

Previously, there was a missing posting of cost price in the executing company if the intercompany price, billing price, and the standard billing price in the responsible company were all zero.

Defect 1911419

Users Can View Finance Entries When Not Allowed

Previously, users could gain access to finance entries that they are not allowed to view in the Financial Analysis workspace. This error is corrected.

Defect 1916541

Upgrade Issues

Previously, customers who have taken 2.5.2 CU 20 or later could experience issues while upgrading to 2.6 or later. This was due to a lack of proper data conversion safeguards against duplicates in DictionaryLine. This error is corrected.

Defect 1917340

Customer Reconciliations Not Possible to Post

Previously, customer reconciliation did not operate if the reconciliation was performed in the enterprise currency and the enterprise amount differed from the reconciliation amount. This could result in posting issues (if the reconciliation amount is greater than the enterprise amount) or customer records that were not closed due to an open amount in enterprise currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1921462

Remittance Email Address on Company Vendors Update Error

Previously, it was not possible to set or update the Remittance Email Address on Company Vendors via the import program. This error is corrected.

Defect 1922317

Error in Previously Exported Outgoing Payment Forms

Previously, importing previously exported Outgoing Payment Forms used to fail. This error is corrected.

Defect 1927131

Approval All Action Warning Issue

Previously, when using the Approve All action in the Approval Center, the user was displayed a warning notice with little information about what was being approved. This error is corrected, and the warning message now shows the number of lines that will be approved and reminds the user that lines not currently visible in the table due to paging and/or filtering will also be approved.

Defect 1931055

Print Currency Report Issue

Previously, when running a currency re-evaluation report, users could select an exchange rate table for purchase and sales. The selected exchange rate table should be used for re-evaluated for G/L accounts, but Maconomy previously used the standard miscellaneous exchange rate table specified either on the company or system information. This error is corrected.

Defect 1939633

Post Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance Error

Previously, posting currency reevaluation of unrealized enterprise exchange rate variation would result in an error if the account's currency was the same as the company's currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1944930

Transaction Type Ignored When Deriving Job Posting References

Previously, the transaction type was ignored when calculating the posting reference for on-account invoice reconciliation (only the reconciliation of the on-account invoice, and not the on-account invoice itself), allowing Maconomy to choose a job posting reference line with a transaction type group that did not include the invoice transaction type. This error is corrected.

Defect 1958449

Internal Server Error When Using the Journal Copying Dialog

Previously, when copying a general journal using the Journal Copying dialog, an internal server error could prevent the journal from being copied. This error is corrected.

Defect 1962009

Incorrect Exchange Rate When Posting to Sub Jobs

Previously, posting to sub jobs should use fixed exchange rate information from the main job, but basis unit price, billing price currency, and standard billing price currency use fixed exchange rate information from the sub job. This error is corrected.

Defect 1962449

Not Possible to Add an Inventory Invoice Allocation Line

Previously, it was not possible to add an Inventory Invoice Allocation Line to previously allocated Vendor Invoice. This error is corrected. In addition, it is now not possible to edit or remove posted Inventory Allocation Lines.

Defect 1994050

Vendor Invoice Posting Issue

Previously, a vendor invoice could not be posted if the vendor invoice currency was the same as the base currency of the vendor invoice, and the vendor invoice was allocated to a G/L account where a reference job with fixed exchange rates was specified and where the base currency of the company of the job was different from the base currency of the vendor invoice company. This error is corrected.

Defect 2002515

Job Name Not Updated on Purchase Order Header

Previously, if the job number was changed from the Purchase Process header, the Job Name was not updated on the Purchase Order header. This error is corrected.

Defect 2005063

Error Message in Time Sheet Approval

Previously, approving a time sheet line that you have access to could be interrupted by an error message, "There is no access to Time Sheet (employee no.>,period start date>)" if you did not have access to the time sheet despite having access to the time sheet line. This error is corrected.