Get Invoices from Pagero

Use these steps to import pending invoices from Pagero for the selected company.

To import invoices from Pagero:

When you click Get Invoices from Pagero, Maconomy contacts Pagero via the Pagero API to check if there are pending invoices for that company. This action creates a background task to import pending invoices from Pagero.

  1. Under the Setup menu group, go to E-Invoicing > Pagero Companies.
  2. Use the search filter and/or the Search field to select a company.
    Note: You can log in to Pagero to check if there are pending invoices in the Received documents before you import them in Maconomy.
  3. Click Get Invoices from Pagero.
    Note: This action creates background tasks for importing invoices from Pagero, creating an inbox entry for the imported invoice, validating the imported invoice, and creating a draft vendor invoice.
  4. To view the inbox entry created for the imported invoices, go to Accounts Payable > E-Invoicing > Inbox Entries workspace.
    Note: If the value of the Status field in Processed, it means a draft invoice has been created for the imported invoice. You can biew the draft vendor invoice in AP Cockpit > Vendor Invoices List workspace.