Software Issues Resolved

Defect 1244114

Google Analytics Blocked in Touch Android Due to SSL

Touch requires all communication to operate with an SSL certificate. Previously, the Google Analytics is blocked in the Touch Android version 3.5 due to a clear text call. This error is corrected.

Defect 1246598

Limited Vendor Search Results Display on the Purchase Order Screen

When previously searching for vendors using the Search field on the Purchase Order screen, only the first 30 records appear in the search results. The More… button also does not display additional vendor records. The issues were reported in the Touch app 3.3 and later versions. These errors are corrected.

Defect 1247219

User Settings are Nonfunctional on Your Next Log In

The user settings are nonfunctional in the Touch app versions 3.4 and 3.4.1 when you toggle on the Use Week Numbers button on the Settings screen, log off, and log in using biometric authentication. The settings are either toggled off or blank on your next log in. This error is corrected.

Defect 1261548

Error on First Log In Attempt When Toggling the Domain Login off and Using Maconomy Credentials

On the Login screen of the Touch app version 3.4.1, an error message appears when you toggle the domain login off, and you log in using Maconomy credentials instead of the domain credentials. You cannot proceed to biometric authentication or the PIN screen, but can log in on your second attempt. This error is corrected.

Defect 1261558

Error on Your Next Log In Using Biometric Authentication

When you previously log in the Touch app version 3.4.1 using Maconomy credentials instead of the domain credentials, and biometric authentication twice, the “Domain Login Failed” error message appears. On your next log in, you cannot proceed to the Timesheet screen. This error is corrected.

Defect 1261584

Error on First Log in Attempt Using Maconomy Credentials in Touch While the Workspace Client Is Set up to Use the Domain Login

In the Workspace Client you can set up different authentications including the domain login, which you can use to log in automatically through your network. You can also set up the authentications in Touch, however, you can override the initial setup. When the Workspace Client is set up to use the domain login while Touch is set up to use the Maconomy credentials, an error message previously appears on the first login attempt in Touch using the Maconomy credentials. This error is corrected.

Defect 1265066

Error When Logging in Using OneLogin Credentials

On the Login screen of the Touch app version 3.4.1, the “Domain Login Failed” error message previously appears when you toggle the OneLogin on, and log in using the OneLogin credentials. This error is corrected.

Defect 1284802

Daily Timesheet Screen Not Displaying Properly After Navigating From the Summary Screen

When previously navigating from the Daily Timesheet to the Summary screen then back, the Daily Timesheet screen does not initially display. Only after navigating a second time from the Summary to the Daily Timesheet screen will the latter display properly. This error is corrected.

Defect 1286040

Blank Date Field on the Timesheet Line Approvals Screen

Previously, the Date field is blank under certain circumstances when you select, and view a pending timesheet line on the Timesheet Line Approvals screen. This error is corrected.