Fixed Price Job Dashboard
This section describes the KPI boxes and charts you can view in the Dashboard workspace if you selected a fixed price job.
Field | Description |
Project Manager | This field displays the name and employee number of the project manager for the job you selected. |
Invoicing Method | This field displays the invoicing method for the job you selected (either fixed price, or time and material).
If you selected a non-invoiceable job, Maconomy does not display this field. |
KPI Boxes
Field | Description |
EAC Margin | This box displays the budgeted gross margin represented as a percentage on the fixed price of the job currently selected.
The value is computed as follows: ((Fixed Price - Cost from latest working budget)/Fixed Price)*100 Maconomy displays the box in a different color, depending on the value shown:
Baseline Deviation, Hours | This box displays the deviation (in hours) from the baseline budget, based on the latest progress evaluation for the job currently selected.
If the value is a positive number, Maconomy displays this box in red. If the job currently selected has no baseline budget, Maconomy leaves this box blank. |
Customer Balance Due | This box displays the amount due from the customer, in base currency.
If the value is a positive number, Maconomy displays the box in red. Otherwise, Maconomy displays the box in green. |
Revenue Recognized | This box displays the revenue recognized, in base currency. |
Risk Profile | This box displays the overall risk profile level specified for the job currently selected. |
Approved Risk Fund | This box displays the sum of costs from budget lines on risk-related tasks, in base currency. This is from the latest approved job budget revision. |
Weighted Assigned Risk Fund | This box displays the sum of costs under the Assigned Risk Fund column for all job risk lines entered for the current job in the Job Risk Registers single dialog of the Workspace Client. This is displayed in the base currency specified for the job. |
Fixed Price | This box displays the fixed price of the job currently selected, in the currency specified for that job. |
Invoiced On Account | This box displays the total amount invoiced on account, in the currency specified for the job currently selected. |
Open Billing | This box displays the total open billing price for the job currently selected, in the currency specified for that job. |
Completion | This box displays the completion percentage as indicated in the latest approved progress evaluation for the job currently selected. |
Field | Description |
Progress | This chart displays Actual, EAC, and Baseline Hours for the job currently selected, based on the progress evaluations created for that job within the last six months.
This information is also available in the History tab of the Progress Evaluation workspace. |