
Events can be assigned to a campaign via an event flow.

A campaign can, for example, consist of the dispatch of a quotation to a number of potential customers chosen according to specific selection criteria. When a campaign is activated, Maconomy automatically creates an event flow for each contact company or customer in the target group of the campaign. An event flow type specified on the campaign transfers template information to each event flow created in the campaign, including an event plan which is used for the automatic creation of events in each flow. Based on the information registered about the company and person assigned to each event flow in the campaign, along with certain template information from the event plan, Maconomy then creates one or several events, depending on the event plan. The events are automatically assigned to the respective event flows, thus giving you an overview and history of the events related to each contact company/customer in the campaign, as well as the additional functionality of event flows.

It is possible to get an overview of events scheduled or already completed for each contact company or each employee. The window Overview per Employee can be used in connection with campaigns to give an overview of the events that an employee (for example, a sales representative) is expected to carry out in connection with a specific campaign.