Software Issues Resolved

Defect 1037486

Incorrect Rounding Off Exchange Rate Value to the Nearest Hundredths

If you tried to save an expense sheet line or update the line (for example, attach a receipt), Deltek Touch would round off the Exchange Rate value in your expense sheet line to the nearest hundredths instead of displaying the exact value. For example, it would only display 745.32 if the exact Exchange Rate value was 745.323097563. This defect affected all Touch 3.0 customers.

Defect 1026881

Missing Vertical Divider in the Time Picker

The vertical line separating the Hours and Minutes fields would not display in the time picker on the Add Job screen. This defect affected all Touch 3.0 customers.

Defect 1026908

Misaligned ON/OFF Toggle Switches

The ON/OFF toggle switches on the Settings screen were not aligned properly.

This defect affected only customers who were using devices running on iOS 9 or 10.

Defect 1005873

Values Did Not Revert When Save Was Cancelled

If you cancelled saving of an edited timesheet, edited field values in a submitted daily Timesheet Line would not revert to original values. The values would not display correctly; however, Deltek Touch would save them correctly.

This defect affected Touch 3.0 customers who were using the daily submit mode.

As a workaround, reload the timesheet (for example, by switching to another week and back again).

Defect 987821

Delay in Locking In Hour Value in the Time Picker After Relogin

If you tried to select values in the time picker after logging on again to Touch, there was a delay in locking in values through scrolling in the Hour picker. This issue might lead you to assume that you have already set the correct values and tap the Done button right away.

This defect affected all Touch 3.0 customers.

Note: This issue may also occur in other pickers, such as Currency and Purchase Line Type.