Job Registers

The Job Registers workspace allows managers to better identify and mitigate risk over the lifecycle of a job.

This feature allows you to record actual or anticipated risks directly on a job, and track mitigation costs. You can use Maconomy to track risk characteristics, such as cost, probability percentage, weighted cost, due date for mitigation, owner, impacts, and time needed.

You can also record and track change requests as needed. Maconomy enables you to track the attributes of job changes, including description, time, cost, status, the reason for the change, and who initiated it.

Job Registers use the concept of budgeted and actual risk funds so that risks are tracked as budget line items on a job. This allows you to track monetary and time-related impacts on the job and enter risk information as the need to do so occurs.

The Job Registers workspace encompasses both Risk and Change registers. The Job Register tab in the workspace displays summary information for both risks and changes. It also allows you to specify selection criteria for both.

The Job Registers window allows you to view budgeted and assigned risk funds. You can create Risk Fund items and assign them a quantity, base cost, and billing price. This is completed as part of the job budget lines.

You can copy risks from a job register in the event that the information in a previously created risk register matches the risk information you need for another job. This is similar to the “Copy Job Budget” feature in that all information from the selected risk information from the selected job is copied to the current job.

You can also create a new job from a template job that already carries risks and changes. The existing risks and changes are copied to the new job from the template job.

Note: Job register-related document archives are not copied to the new job.

To create a job from a template, follow the standard process. When you create a job from a template, all risks and changes are copied from the template job to the new job.