Skill Requirements on Job Budget Lines

For job budget lines on which time activities have been specified it is possible to require that the task in question should be performed by an employee with specific skills.

This is done by assigning a skill requirement to a job’s planning budget lines in the window Skill Requirements, or alternatively in the window Job Planning in the Job Cost module. Each skill requirement consists of a specification of both the skill and the skill level required.

For each skill requirement, it can be specified whether a skill level is mandatory, preferred, undesired or disallowed. That means that if a skill is mandatory or preferred, the employee should possess the skill in question, whereas he should not possess the skill if the skill has been specified as undesired or disallowed on the job budget line.

Once skill requirements have been specified for a number of tasks, Maconomy will assess to what degree each requirement is met by employees assigned to each of these tasks. When an employee is allocated hours on a task in the Detailed Planning window, the system thus checks whether the employee in question has the skills required for the task specified on the current job budget line. Similar functionality applies in the Job Cost module, so that when a job’s planning budget is approved, each new or modified skill requirement is checked against the employees allocated to perform the work on the tasks specified on the lines.

When a user needs to allocate employees on a task, he can choose to look up which employees match the requirements specified for the task in question by means of the window Task Staffing. In this window, the user can search for employees who match the skill requirements specified for a job budget line, as well as a number of other search criteria. It is also possible to perform searches for employees in the window Browse Employee Skills, in which the user can search for employees matching up to ten arbitrary selection criteria. When a search is performed, Maconomy takes into account the available time of each employee and to what degree each employee meets the specified requirements. Both of the search windows also offer the user the possibility to opt for employees who do not necessarily meet the required skills by modifying the search criteria.