
Defect 1582792

Incorrect Currency in Receipts

Previously, in some instances when intelligent character recognition (ICR) was enabled and you uploaded or took a photo of a receipt using Quick Capture, ICR cannot determine the currency in the receipt. USD was always selected incorrectly as the default currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1604511

Error Message Appears for Large Attachments Using ICR

When you previously attached a large file to an expense sheet or expense sheet line using Quick Capture with ICR, an error message displayed which indicated that the app was not responding. However, you were still able to attach the file. This error message is removed.

Defect 1724540

Missing Company Specific Value in System Parameter Causes Error Message

Previously, when the Enable Long Text Emulation in Workspaces system parameter was enabled in the Workspace Client and there was no company specific value was added then you opened the Touch app, a missing system parameter error message displayed in Touch. This error is corrected.

Defect 1720154

Session Timeout Does Not Close Touch App for Android

Previously, when you used the Touch app in an Android mobile device and your session expired, you remained logged in. The Touch app did not close automatically even after you accepted the session expired app message, which constantly reappeared when you viewed different screens or attempted to log out manually. This error is corrected.

Defect 1730422

Maconomy-API Hidden Installations Causes Touch Failure

If the = false in the server.ini is set to false, Touch did not work properly and/or users cannot proceed to succeeding Touch screens. This is corrected.