Set Up PO Invoice Margin Tolerance

For the system administrator, setup is a two-part process utilizing selection criterion specification and approval hierarchies.

You can set up vendor invoice controls by performing steps similar to those in the following example.

To set up a PO invoice margin tolerance:

  1. Use the Selection Criterion Specification single dialog workspace (Single Dialogs > Set-Up > Set-up > Selection Criterion Specification single dialog workspace) to create a selection criterion specification with the following details:
    • Selection Criterion Specification No.: test

    • Type: InvoiceAllocationLine

    • Public: true

  2. For this selection criterion specification, create the following lines:
    Outer Logical Op. Table Section Field Name Inner Logical Op. Operator Value 1 Value 2 Math Operator Table Section, Operand Field Name, Operand
    Purchase Order Line To Be Invoiced, Base Above or Equal to Margin 500.00 5% Purchase Order Line Price, Base
    - Purchase Order Line Invoiced, Base

    For fixed value, this is translated to:

    For percentage value, this is translated to:

    If both these expressions evaluate to true, then the whole selection criterion specification evaluates to true.

  3. Use the Approval Hierarchies single dialog workspace (Single Dialogs > Set-Up > Approval > Approval Hierarchies single dialog workspace) to create an approval hierarchy with the following details:
    • Approval Hierarchy No.: test

    • Approval Type: Vendor Invoice

    • Approval Relation: Invoice Allocation Line

    • Under Message Control island:

      • Select Show Message.
      • Message: Invoice Allocation Line(s) exceeds the amount specified on Purchase Order Line!
      • Set Message Type to Error.
  4. In the filter list of the Approval Hierarchies workspace (Setup > Approval Hierarchies workspace), select the Vendor Invoice approval type.
  5. In the filter list of the Approval Hierarchy Selections tab, select the Invoice Allocation Line approval relation.
  6. In the Approval Hierarchy Selection Lines sub-tab, add a line at the top with the following details:
    • Set Selection Criterion Specification No. to test.

    • Set Approval Hierarchy No. to test.

    This approval hierarchy is called when a user submits a vendor invoice that has invoice allocation lines which exceed (or are equal to) 500 or 5% of the amount specified on the purchase order line. Maconomy prevents the user from submitting the vendor invoice, until after he corrects the invoice allocation lines.