Software Issues Resolved

You will notice that the descriptions of some software defects contain extra information, including ways to work around the defects. For the most part, these issues were addressed before this release through hot fixes, and the additional information was developed to help you decide whether or not you needed to install the hot fixes.

When you install this release, you must install all fixes in the release; you cannot choose to install some and not others. Nevertheless, this additional information has been included in case you instituted some of the workarounds and can now stop using them, or you simply want more background information about the defect repairs.

Defect 866855

MConfig Installing Incorrect Touch FPU

MConfig 8.14.1 allowed you to install an incorrect version of Deltek Touch FPU. This defect only affected Deltek Touch technical consultants who were installing Deltek Touch.

Defect 861208

No Draft Invoice Lines Details

If you accessed the Draft Invoice Lines screen, the Draft Invoice Lines details would not display. This defect only affected Deltek Touch users who had approval rights.

Defect 861203

Cannot Print Draft Invoice

If you opened a draft invoice approval entry and tried to tap Draft Invoice Print, an error message would display and no PDF would be generated. This defect only affected Deltek Touch users who had approval rights.

Defect 859181

Cannot Approve Multiple Lines on Invoice Allocation Line

After approving one invoice allocation line on the Invoice Allocation Line screen, Deltek Touch would not allow you to approve another line on the same screen. You needed either to restart the application or use the Vendor Invoice screen to approve.

This defect only affected Deltek Touch users who had approval rights.

Defect 858409

Cannot Properly Save Decimal Values with Comma Separator on Expense Sheet Lines

If you tried to enter and save a decimal value with a comma separator (for example, 123,456) in fields (for example, Unit Price) on a new or an existing expense sheet line, Deltek Touch would not save it properly. In the example, Deltek Touch would save 123,456 as 123.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who are using REST.

Defect 825191

Cannot Open Attachments with .PJPG Extension

If you tried to open an attachment with the .pjpg extension in an expense sheet, an error message would display. This defect affected all Deltek Touch users.

Defect 845209

Cannot Log On Again After Closing Touch Using the OpenID Setup

If you logged on to Deltek Touch on an Azure OpenID SSO environment and then forcefully quit the application, an error would display and you would not be able to log on again using PIN.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who were accessing the application on an Azure OpenID SSO environment.

Defect 865225

Required to Enter URL, Credentials, and PIN in Every Login

You needed to enter the Touch Server URL, your credentials, and PIN whenever you logged on to Deltek Touch even though you had set up your account to use PIN. This defect affected potentially all Deltek Touch 2.1 users.

Defect 819381

Caching Issues When Logging On Again

If you lost or turned off your connection and closed Deltek Touch, logging on again would cause caching issues, such as the following:
  • Redirected you to the Server URL screen
  • Caused session timeout from time to time
  • Displayed incorrect username

This defect affected all Deltek Touch users.

Defects 774517/ 774503

Wrong Error Message for Invalid Password or Username

If you entered an invalid password on the Change Password screen or used an empty or invalid user name to reset a forgotten password, a message related to internal error would display instead of the appropriate error message.

This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using REST. The fix is in the Maconomy product, not in Deltek Touch. To have this issue fixed, you need to upgrade to Maconomy 2.3.3 or 2.4 GA (or later).

Defect 775814

No Error Displays When Nominating an Old Password on the Change Password Screen

If you tried to enter an old password on the Change Password screen, Deltek Touch would not display an error message. It should inform you that the password you have just nominated was used already.

This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using REST.

The fix is in the Maconomy product, not in Touch. To have this issue fixed, you will need to upgrade to Maconomy 2.3.3 or 2.4 GA (or later).