General Journals

You can create and change a general journal line where Maconomy converts the transaction currency to base currency using a company specific exchange rate table from the company on the journal or general journal.

Maconomy calculates the amount in enterprise currency from the base amount using the global enterprise exchange rate table.

If you change the currency amount, Maconomy recalculates the amount in base and enterprise currency. If you change the currency and base amount, the system recalculates the amount in enterprise currency.

If you change the base amount, Maconomy updates the amount in original currency only if it has the same currency as the base amount. Maconomy recalculates the amount in enterprise currency from the base amount, and then the system updates the amount in original currency with the enterprise amount only if it has the same currency and if you use the global enterprise exchange rate table for conversion between currency and base.

If you change the base and enterprise amount, Maconomy updates the amount in original currency from the base currency only if it has the same currency. The system updates the amount in original currency with the enterprise amount if it has the same currency and if you use the global enterprise exchange rate table for conversion between currency and base.

If you change the enterprise amount, Maconomy updates the amount in original currency with the enterprise amount only if it has the same currency and if you use the global enterprise exchange rate table for conversion between currency and base. Similarly, Maconomy recalculates the amount in base currency from the currency amount if you update the currency amount. Thus, the system updates the amount in base currency with the enterprise amount if it has the same currency.

Additionally, you can change all amounts. Thus, Maconomy ensures that all amounts have the same sign.