Software Issues Resolved

Defect 1192429

Incorrect Authentication App Displayed After Tapping the Two-Factor (2FA) Authentication App Link

If you tapped the two-factor authentication app hyperlink, Touch would select a different authentication app from the one you selected during enrollment. This issue happened when you try to log on again after the bypass period. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using 2FA authentication and had multiple authentication apps installed on the mobile device.

As a workaround, take the following actions:

  1. Close the authentication app from the link.
  2. Open the one you selected upon enrollment.
  3. In your selected app, generate a code manually.

If the 2FA authentication has been configured to allow bypass, you only need to enter your PIN or use your finger print to log on again during the bypass period. When the bypass period lapses, Touch prompts you for your 2FA One-Time Password (OTP) again.

Defect 1216149

Error When Logging On to Touch After Changing Your Azure Password

If you updated your Azure password and tried to log on to Touch again, an error message would display. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using the Azure authentication.

As a workaround, after your first attempt, log on to Touch again.

Defect 1216141

Stuck on the PIN Screen After Changing Your Azure Password

After your Azure password had been updated and the Azure page closed, you would be stuck on the Touch PIN screen without any error message. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using Azure authentication.

As a workaround, take the following actions:
  1. On the PIN screen, tap Change User.
  2. Reconnect, and accept all terms.
  3. Log on again.

Defect 1206864

Could Not Save an Exchange Rate Value with More than Two Decimals

If you tried to enter a value with more than two decimals in the Exchange Rate field on the Expense Sheet Line screen, Touch would not accept and save it. This defect affected Deltek Touch 3.1 for Maconomy 2.4.3 users.

Touch should allow you to enter and save an Exchange Rate value with a maximum of nine decimals, regardless if the decimal separate is comma (,) or period (.).

Defect 1206590

Google Maps App Home Page Displayed Instead of the Distance Panel When Tapping Map

If you tapped Map on the Mileage Sheet Line screen, the Google Maps app home page would display instead of the Google Maps app page with the distance panel that displayed the auto-populated To and From fields. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who selected the Google Maps app as default when opening maps.

Defect 1205720

Unable to Log On to Touch Using OneLogin Authentication

If you tried to log on to the Touch native application using the OneLogin authentication, you would be able enter your credentials on the OneLogin authentication screen, but you would still not be able to log on to Touch. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using the OneLogin authentication.

Defect 1194115

Unable to Log On to Touch on a Linux System

If you tried to log on to Touch, nothing would happen. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using a Linux system.

As a workaround, your technical consultant can customize the LayoutList.Mscript.I file to correct a syntax error.

Defect 1181854

Cancel and Delete Options on the Timesheet Screen Not Displaying Properly When You Swiped to Delete a Timesheet Line

If you swiped across a timesheet line and tapped Delete on the Timesheet screen, the portion that displayed the delete and cancel options at the bottom of the screen would not display properly. You would not be able to see the Cancel option. This issue occurred when you opened the application in portrait mode.

This defect affected Touch for Maconomy 3.2 users who were on the Weekly submit mode and using an iPhone X device. As a workaround, tilt your mobile device screen.

Defect 1169713

Certain Screens Not Displaying Properly When the Keyboard Opened

If the keyboard opened on certain screens (such as Login, Server URL, and Find Job), those screens would not display properly. The top part would be pushed up and the screen would become scrollable. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using iOS mobile devices.

Defect 1136956

No Cancel or Back Button on the Preview Screen for Images Opened from Gallery

If you opened an image from your device gallery, there would be no option to cancel or return. on the preview screen. This defect affected all Deltek Touch for Maconomy users.

As a workaround, take the following actions:
  1. Tap Use Photo, and tap Cancel.
  2. Close, and open the application again.

Defect 1112015

Pinch-to-Zoom Functionality Not Working

If you tried to pinch and zoom in on an image attached to an expense sheet, nothing would happen. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users.

Defect 1007981

Unable to Delete Attachment in a Submitted Expense Sheet

If you tried to delete a receipt in a submitted expense sheet, a message informing you to enter the name of the document you want to delete would display and the expense sheet would not still be deleted.

This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who were using REST.

As a workaround, reopen the expense and then delete the receipt.

Defect 1073549

Three Decimals in the Error Message for a Submitted Timesheet with Registered Hours Less Than the Required Fixed Hours

If you opened a timesheet with at least one timesheet line and the selected day with registered hours less than the required fixed hours, an error message with three decimals instead of only two would display after you tap the Submit button. For example, it would display 16,000 hours instead of 16,00 hours.

This defect only affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy 3.2 users who were using Rest Web services and whose Maconomy system had specific fixed hours on timesheets.

Defect 1128608

Unable to Select Your Preferred Day After Tapping Next Using the Day Carousel

If you tapped the Next button in the day carousel on the Timesheet screen and then tried to tap any day (other than Monday), Touch would not allow you to select your preferred day. It still would select the default option (Monday).

Customers Impacted: This defect affected Touch for Maconomy 3.2 users who were using REST Web services.

As a workaround, take one of the following actions:
  • Tap your preferred day for the second time.
  • On the Weeks screen, navigate to the next or previous week by tapping your preferred week.

Defect 1182094

Unable to Enter Exchange Rate Value with More Than Two Decimals

If you tried to enter a value with more than two decimals in the Exchange Rate field on the Expense Sheet Line screen, Touch would not accept and save it. This defect affected Deltek Touch 3.1 for Maconomy 2.4.3 users.

Touch should allow you to enter and save an Exchange Rate value with a maximum of nine decimals, regardless if the decimal separate is comma (,) or period (.).

Defect 1204719

Error Logging On to Touch Caused by a Duplicate IIS Variable

If you tried to log on to Touch, an error message related to proxy request would display. The error was due to a duplicate HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO variable in the Internet Information System (IIS).

This defect affected Deltek Touch 3.3 for Maconomy 2.4.5 users. Both MConfig and Touch installer set the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO variable.