
Executives seeking deeper insight into financial performance need multiple ways through which to view the company’s activities: such as by the business unit, department, client, resource, service line, or even the industry group.

This kind of deep visibility and reporting requires appropriate “tags” on all transactions (such as time postings and invoices) along with the discipline to ensure those tags are in place. Deltek Maconomy provides both the structure and discipline needed for this kind of visibility and insight.

The Maconomy data model is structured around a series of dimensions, which partitions views of the company and its activities into logical groups, each serving as a lens by which any appropriate role can view the organization.

In addition to exceptional transparency across the firm and multiple ways to view its performance, the Maconomy product delivers exceptionally disciplined control for ensuring every transaction includes the appropriate dimensions. Maconomy’s unified approach means multiple dimensions can be derived into a given transaction from simple, minimal input of other key dimensions.

Consider an employee posting time. After selecting a project, a task (to indicate what kind of work has been done) and entering hours, Maconomy automatically derives an activity from the task, which contains the set of posting references that indicates where it should be posted in the chart of accounts and in the G/L. From the project, Maconomy then automatically derives the department to which the project belongs, the client associated with the project, and the type of services be delivered, which are automatically added to this transaction. The employee’s department and employee number are also automatically stamped on the transaction. This concept of automatically tagging a single transaction with multiple reporting points of interest is truly the power behind dimensions.

Note: There is a detailed example illustrating this scenario later in this section.

These dimensions that are “tagged” to various transactions translate to report selection criteria when generating reports. Thus the central purpose of dimensions in Maconomy is to enable you to have full P&L reporting capability, reporting from historical transactions based on the various dimension values that were in place when each transaction occurred.