
Actions are things that you can do.

They are similar to functions. An action could be as simple as Print or Delete, or it could more complicated, such as Assign Lines to Sales Orders.

Actions are generally represented as buttons that display in the toolbar at the top of a panel. Each panel has it is own actions, and an action acts on the business entity (or entities) in that panel. In general, the main, business related actions are in panels that show one business entity (the "card part" in Maconomy legacy terminology), while actions in the form that contains tabular data (lines) generally either manipulates the layout of the table, or it acts on the selected lines.

Create actions (actions that create a new entity) are normally found in the filter panels where you would also search for existing entities.

Some icons (the most common ones, the ones that are in almost every panel) are shown as icons only (Print is an example.) Others are shown as icons and text. If a panel has many actions, the actions that are most often used are given priority and shown in the toolbar in the normal way, while less-used actions are shown in a drop-down list (or even more than one drop-down list in some rare instances.)