Technical Considerations

There are no technical considerations for Touch 4.0. However, as part of the MScript API removal, note the following technical considerations when you upgrade to Maconomy 2.6:

  • All existing Touch customizations will become obsolete and will not reflect in the Touch app. Redo the layout and setting customizations in Extender. See the Rewrite Customizations in REST section in the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Layout Configuration Guide.
  • The CouplingConfiguration.mcsl.xml file now contains additional information that Touch needs. If you customized this file, make sure to update it.
  • There are considerable changes in the Touch installation process. See the What's New section of the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Admin Guide.
  • You need to manually set up the login credential type (Maconomy / Azure / Kerberos / Okta / OneLogin) in the configuration.ini / tenant.ini. Otherwise, Touch automatically uses Maconomy credentials for logins. See the REST_LOGIN_TYPE Example section in the Deltek Touch 4.0 for Maconomy 2.6 Admin Guide.
  • Users must have full access (read, create, update, and delete) to the ExpenseSheets, MileageSheets, PurchaseOrders, AbsenceCalendarLines, and AbsenceEntryOverview Maconomy dialogs for them to register expense, mileage, purchase orders, and absences and allowances in Touch.
  • You can no longer set the CLIENTURL in the Touch installer. The Touch URL provided in the Touch installer is used by default. You can manually change it in the configuration.ini / tenant.ini file.
  • For multitenant Touch installations, make sure you update all the tenant.ini files manually.