
This section contains information about translations in Maconomy.

For Danish, Dutch, English (GB and US), Norwegian, and Swedish, both Standard and Solution dictionaries exist. Solution dictionaries contain industry-specific terminology for select terms for the selected language. For example, the standard term "Job" in US English translates into "Project" in US English MCS and into "Engagement" in US English CPA.

For all languages, Engineering has verified that a solution can be installed with that language as Enterprise Language. For languages with a solution variant, only the solution variants are validated for use as Enterprise Language. If this validation is not completed, manual corrections to the import files is expected during installation of a solution.

Updated dictionaries are made available once released from Engineering.

Language Validated as Enterprise Language
Swedish No
Swedish (MCS) Yes
Italian Yes
Norwegian No
Norwegian (MCS) Yes
Danish No
Danish (MCS) Yes
Dutch Yes
Spanish Yes
French Yes
German Yes
Portuguese Yes
English (UK) No
English (UK, MCS) No
English (US) No
English (US, MCS) Yes
English (US, CPA) Yes
Chinese Yes