Initial Log In

The first time that you use Vantagepoint, you must enter a valid user ID and password. Your welcome email message includes a link to the login page.

To log in:

  1. Use your Vantagepoint URL to display the login page.
  2. In the User ID field, enter SETUP.
  3. In the Password field, enter the password included in your welcome email message.
  4. In the Database field, select the database that you want to use.
  5. In the Language field, select the language that you want to use.

    This field displays when more than one language is enabled in Vantagepoint, so that you can select the language in which you want the application to display. This list includes all languages that are enabled. When you select a language here, the application refreshes to display in that language.

    If the Language field does not display, the application uses the language that is specified by your system administrator in Settings > General > Options.

  6. Click Log In.
    The Vantagepoint Getting Started page displays the Activation menu.