Role Security and the Employee Card

A user's security role determines how much information the user sees on the employee card for an employee.

The employee card allows you to view employee information without having to leave an application to open the Employees hub. For more information about the employee card, see Employee Card.

Record Access Security

In the Application Record Access grid on the Record Access tab of the Roles form (in Settings > Security > Roles), the entry that you make in the Record Level View field for the Employees hub determines which information that members of a security role can see on the employee card:

  • All information that is viewable on the employee card, for those employees that you specify in the Record Level View field.
  • Limited information on the employee card, for those employees who are not specified in the Record Level View field.
  • The employee's name and organization (if you use organizations).
  • Limited information on the Profile tab: the employee's full name, email address, labor category, hours per day, and utilization target.

Other Security That Affects the Employee Card

Access Rights to Menu Items

On the employee card, an Actions drop-down menu lets you open the Employees hub or Resource View if your security role gives you access to these applications. Access rights to applications (menu items) are entered on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form in Security Settings.

When you open the employee card from Timesheet, Expense Report, Resource View, or Project View, you can open the Employees hub from the Actions menu if your role gives you access rights to the Employees hub.

When you open the employee card from Project View or on the Plan form in the Projects hub, you can open Resource View from the Other Actions menu, if your role gives you access rights to Resource View.

Field-Level Security

In Screen Designer, you can specify the fields in the Employees hub that you want to hide from users based on their security role. The Employees hub fields that you hide are also hidden on the employee card.