How Key Settings Affect Project Review

In addition to the display options that you can select on the Project Review form, several important system settings affect what information displays on the Project Review form.

Enable Reporting at Billing Rates

This setting on the Labor Options settings form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options) determines whether or not you have the option to view budget amounts calculated at billing rates on the Project Review form.

You use the Show option on the form to switch between cost and billing. If Enable Reporting at Billing Rates is selected, you can view job-to-date (JTD), plan, and budget amounts at billing. If this setting is not selected, you can view JTD and plan amounts at billing, but budget amounts at billing are not available. In that case, budget-based columns and key performance indicators are hidden when you select Billing in Show.

This setting affects amounts for expenses and consultants as well as those for labor.

Enable Reporting at Burdened Rates

This setting on the Labor Options settings form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options) determines whether or not you have the option to view labor cost amounts that include burden:
  • If this setting is selected and you also select Include Overhead on the Options dialog box for Project Review, separate Overhead and Direct Labor rows display in the grid. Those rows break out the overhead and direct cost amounts that are included in the amounts on the Total Labor row. In that case, Average Rate/Hour contains the rate for unburdened direct labor.
  • If this setting is selected but you do not select Include Overhead on the Options dialog box for Project Review, Overhead and Direct Labor rows are not displayed, and Average Rate/Hour contains the burdened rate for direct labor, assuming that your budgeted and planned labor amounts include overhead.
  • If this setting is not selected, the effect is the same as described in the first bullet point above: separate Overhead and Direct Labor rows display in the grid.

Use Billing Currency Not Project Currency

This setting on the Labor Options settings form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options), in conjunction with the Enable Reporting at Billing Rates setting, determines what currency billing amounts are displayed in if the project currency and the billing currency are different for the project you are reviewing:

Assuming that reporting at billing rates is enabled, this setting does the following:
  • If this setting is selected, billing amounts display in the project's billing currency.
  • If this setting is not selected, billing amounts display in the project currency, even if the billing currency is different.

Labor Cost/Burden Rates/Amounts

Because of the sensitivity of labor cost and burden rates and amounts, your system administrator may restrict your ability to see those values in Vantagepoint using settings for your security role. Those restriction apply to Project Review, along with other Vantagepoint forms and reports. If you are not allowed to see a value, it is replaced with asterisks.

These settings are located on the Accounting tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles):

  • Labor Cost Rates/Amounts: This setting determines your access to unburdened labor cost rates and amounts.
  • Labor Burden Rates/Amounts: This setting determines your access to burdened rates and amounts (labor cost and overhead combined).

Contact your system administrator if you have questions about your access to cost and burden data.

Include Cost/Burden Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations

If you view labor cost information for a project in Project Review, and Labor Cost Rates/Amounts is set to anything other than Full Access for your security role, you can only see spent amounts and profit amounts if Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations is selected for your role on the Accounting tab of the Roles form.

Likewise, if you view labor burden information for a project in Project Review, and Labor Burden Rates/Amounts is set to anything other than Full Access for your security role, you can only see spent amounts and profit amounts if Include Burden Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations is selected for your role.