Organizations (CRM or Resource Planning)

You can associate employees, generic resource, and projects with organizations. If you configure Vantagepoint to use organizations, you can, for example, search for employees based on their home organization in Resource View, or track projects by organization in the Projects hub.

An organization is a specific component of your enterprise's operational structure.

Important: If your only activated modules are CRM and/or Resource Planning, organizations are available in the browser application (Settings > General > Organization). To set up organizations when you have only CRM and/or Resource Planning, you first use the Organization Structure Setup dialog box to select the type of structure and other properties of the structure, and then you either enter or import information that defines your individual organizations.

If you have any other modules, you set up organizations in the desktop application and this help topic does not apply to you. Instead, see Organization Setup Overview and related topics.

Organization Structure Types

The first step in setting up your organizations is to determine which type of organization structure you have: fixed or variable.
  • If all of the following are true for your organization structure, you have a fixed structure:
    • Your organization structure has a standard number of levels.
    • Within each level, each ID and name means the same thing across all branches of the organization structure.
    • You have no more than 5 levels.
    • You have no more than 14 characters in your organization IDs, including level delimiters.
  • If one or more of the requirements listed above are not true for your organization structure, you have a variable structure. A variable structure has few requirements. For example, different branches of the hierarchy can have different numbers of levels, and the number of characters allotted to a given level in organization IDs can vary.

If you select an organization structure type and then enter or import organizations, you cannot change the organization structure type unless you first delete all of the organizations. If you have not activated the Resource Planning module, the fixed structure is the only option if you want to use organizations.

Setting Up Organizations with a Fixed Structure

To set up organizations if you have fixed structure, you do the following either on the Organization Structure Setup dialog box or on the Organization form:
  1. Specify the number of levels. The maximum is five.
  2. Specify the number of characters in each level's segment of the organization IDs. The total number of characters, including delimiters, for all levels cannot exceed 14.
  3. Enter the actual element IDs and names for each level. For example, if the first level of the structure is Location, the elements for that level might be 01 (Boston), 02 (New York), 03 (Denver), and 04 (Phoenix).
  4. If your organization structure has more than one level, define each of the organizations by combining one element from each of the levels (Boston Architecture, Boston Engineering, New York Architecture, New York Engineering, and so on).

Setting Up Organizations with a Variable Structure

To set up organizations if you have a variable structure, you specify the delimiter character that separates the level segments in your organization IDs in the Organization Structure Setup dialog box, if you have more than one level, and you then you either import all of the organization IDs and names from a .CSV file or import them using an API. Organization IDs in a variable structure can have up to 30 characters, including delimiters. The structure can have up to 10 levels.

When you import the organization IDs, Vantagepoint uses the delimiters in the IDs to determine the organization structure hierarchy.

Using Organizations

If you implement organizations, you must do the following:
  • Assign every employee to an organization when you enter employees in the Employees hub or when you import employees into Vantagepoint.
  • Assign every project to an organization when you set up projects in the Projects hub or when you import projects into Vantagepoint.

You also have the option to assign or not assign individual generic resources to organizations.

If you use organizations, you can set up security roles that restrict a user's access to project plans either to those projects that are assigned to their organization only, or to projects assigned to one of a selected group of organizations.

Changing the Status of an Organization

On the Organizations form, you can change the status of an organization, though restrictions may apply. If you change the status of an organization from Active to Inactive or Dormant, the organization no longer displays in lookup lists, and you can no longer associate projects, employees, or generic resources with that organization.

An organization to which active records are currently assigned can be changed to Inactive, but if it has assigned employees or projects, Vantagepoint displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to inactivate it.

The Dormant status is intended only for organizations that you are in the process of phasing out. Though you can change an organization to Dormant if existing records are currently assigned to it, you cannot change it to Dormant if any active employees or projects are still assigned to it.

Changing the Number of Levels in a Fixed Organization Structure

Deltek strongly recommends that you carefully plan the organization structure you want before you set it up. After you set up your organizations and, in particular, after you assign employees, projects, and generic resources to those organizations, it is difficult and time consuming to change the number of levels.

For details, see Changing Levels in a Fixed Structure.

Changing the Number of Characters for a Level

You can increase the number of characters allotted to the element IDs for a level in the organization IDs after you have set up organizations. If you do, Vantagepoint adds zeros to the left of the current IDs for the level. You cannot reduce the number of characters allotted to a level.

For More Information

For more information, see the discussion of Organization Reporting in the Concepts section of the help.