Employee Realization in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing

When you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature and you set it up to use the Invoice frequency, actual employee realization is allocated automatically when you create invoices in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing.

Interactive Billing

In Interactive Billing, the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box displays when you click OK on the Invoice Accept dialog box.

On the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box, you can:

  • View employee realization data, hours, and billing rates or cost rates.
  • Edit employee-specific realization amounts and the labor realization value.

After you view and edit employee allocation on the dialog box, click OK to print or preview the invoice.

If you do not have security access to the Billing > Employee Realization menu option, realization is allocated in Interactive Billing, but the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box does not display.

Batch Billing

In Batch Billing, employee realization is calculated the same as it is in Interactive Billing. However, you do not see the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box, so you cannot edit realization amounts. If you want to edit realization amounts, you must process an invoice through Interactive Billing and have security access to the Billing > Employee Realization menu option.