Create a Project Manually

Use the New Project form to create a new project manually. The new project contains only default data initially, and you edit that data as necessary to set up the project.

To add a new project manually:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects, and select any of the options on the Projects Hub menu.
  2. Click + New Project in the upper-right corner of the form.
    Result: The New Project form displays.
  3. In Charge Type, select Regular, Overhead, or Promotional.

    Note that once you click Continue to leave this form, you cannot change the charge type for the new project. If you do click Continue but you have not yet saved the project, you can cancel the add process and start over. If you save a project with the wrong charge type, delete the project and add it again.

  4. If the Stage field is available, select the stage that the new project is at (for example, Proposal Submitted or Won).
  5. In How to Create Project, select Manually.
  6. In Project Number, enter a unique number for the project that conforms to your standard project numbering system. (Vantagepoint may automatically generate a number for you if auto numbering is enabled.)
  7. Enter a short name for the project in Name.
  8. To include a longer, more descriptive name for the project (for use in proposals, for example), enter it in Long Name.
  9. If you selected Regular in Charge Type and assigned the project to a stage that is designated as "in pursuit," do the following if you want to create a promotional project to track the time and expenses involved in pursuing the contract:
    1. Select Create Linked Promotional Project to Track Pursuit Costs.
    2. Enter a unique project number in Promotional Project Number. (Vantagepoint can automatically generate a number for you if you have enabled auto numbering.)
    3. Enter a name for the promotional project in Promotional Project Name.
  10. Click Continue.

    If you are adding both a regular project and a linked promotional project the Edit Project Structure form displays. Continue with step 11.

    If you are only adding a regular project, Vantagepoint displays the new project in Edit mode. Continue with step 12.

  11. To add work breakdown structure (WBS) elements below the project level for either project, click at the end of a row to add WBS elements at the next lower level. Repeat this step as necessary to build the WBS for each project. Click Save when you are finished.

    Vantagepoint displays the new project in Edit mode.

  12. Review the project information on all hub forms and tabs and at all levels of the WBS, and make any corrections or additions.
  13. When you have finished making entries, click Save.
  14. If you created a linked promotional project, that project displays in Edit mode. Do the following for that project:
    1. Review the project information on all hub forms and tabs and at all levels of the WBS, and make any corrections or additions.
    2. When you have finished making entries, click Save.

    If you did not create a linked promotional project, the new project displays in Presentation View.

  15. If you did not add a WBS level below the project level in an earlier step and want to do so now or at any time in the future, click next to the project name, either click + Create a new Project Structure or select a project template and click Use Template, and add the WBS elements that you need on the Edit Project Structure form.

When you create a new project, Vantagepoint also creates an empty plan for the project using default settings, so you can immediately begin entering planned labor hours and planned expense and consultant amounts.