Overall Revenue Calculation for a Project

For individual projects, you can set up an additional overall revenue calculation at the project level.

The sum of the revenue that is calculated at a project's lowest work breakdown structure (WBS) level is then compared with the overall revenue that is calculated at the project level. The difference is posted to an adjustment phase or task.

To use the overall revenue calculation feature for individual projects, you must set the Enable Additional Revenue Calculations at Project and Group Levels to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Revenue. When you do so, the Overall Revenue list includes the Calculation option on the Accounting tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub. For individual projects, you enable the overall revenue calculation option and set up a project's revenue method and adjustment phase or task on the Accounting tab.

The additional overall revenue calculation for individual projects is similar to using revenue generation's upset limits. Upset limits allow you to set a maximum limit that the revenue calculation cannot exceed, and any excess is posted to an adjustment phase or task. The maximum limit amount is comprised of any combination of the project's compensation, direct consultant amount, and reimbursable allowance.