Contents of the Format Date Dialog Box

A sample date that reflects your changes displays on this dialog box, to aid you in selecting settings.


Field Description
Type Select the format type. The options are:
  • Short Date: This displays the month, day, and year with the month expressed as a number with separators. The order of the elements of the date is determined by the Date Order field (month/day/year or day/month/year, for example).
  • Medium Date: This displays the month, day, and year with the month spelled out. You set the sequence of the date elements in the Date Order field (October 29, 2021, for example).
Date Order

Select the order that the elements appear in the date. Options are:

  • Month Day Year
  • Day Month Year
  • Year Month Day
Date Sample with Your Settings Applied A sample of the date with your format selections applied displays below the fields.